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Adblocker Issues/How to Whitelist Tubi

Because Tubi is an ad-supported service, any adblockers installed will not work with Tubi.

If you have the Adblock Extension installed on your Google Chrome or Safari browsers, you can whitelist Tubi by following the steps below:

  1. Go to tubitv.com.
  2. Click on the Adblock extension icon on the top right corner of your browser.
  3. Click on "Don't run on pages on this domain."
  4. A message will be displayed. Please make sure that it says: "Adblock won't run on any page matching: www.tubitv.com"
  5. Make sure the checkbox to reload the page is checked.
  6. Click on "Exclude" and you'll now be able to view Tubi!

You can also check out this video on how to whitelist domains on Adblock Extension.


If you have uBlock installed on any browser, you can whitelist Tubi by following the steps below:

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