Kung Fu Dino Posse
In Megaopolis, the Kung Fu Dino Posse thaws out to battle the evil Skor and his brother, fighting to save humanity with their kung-fu skills.
Subtitles: English
Directed by:Chris LabonteDong-WookSeok Pyo
Season 1
S01:E01 - Meet the Posse
Aspiring Paleontologist Edgar Chudley discovers four dinosaurs self-trained in the ancient martial art of Kung Fu living in the basement of the museum where he works. Edgar learns that the Dinos were recently defrosted after having been frozen in ice for nearly 60 million years. He also learns that they are not the only dinos on the loose.
S01:E02 - Jurassic Roadshow
Hyperactive Jet accidentally breaks the Dino Posses high-tech gem finder, just as it locates a new powerful gem, that is apparently embedded in some kind of household object. Worried that Skor will beat them to this latest discovery, Edgar, Kane, and Lucy desperately try to come up with other high-tech methods of tracking the gem.
S01:E03 - Flower Power
Edgar and the Dino Posse are looking for a gem in the city when they pass a nursery/gardening center. Edgar always wants to impress Polly, and Lucy suggests he buy her some flowers. However, once inside the flower shop, Edgar discovers the owner is Pernilla, a nerdy girl who used to have a wild crush on him when he was five years old. Unbeknownst to Edgar, she still DOES have a wild crush on him.
S01:E04 - Dinos On A Plane
The Posse is battling with Skor over a crystal near the local airport, when the crystal slips out of both their hands and flies into a suitcase being loaded onto a passenger jet. The Posse springs into action to recover the crystal, but there are only two tickets left on the plane and Skrap has just bought one of them. Chow buys the other one.
S01:E05 - Miss Congenialosaur
Edgar races in and tells the KFDP that they have to go to the Miss Megalopolis Beauty Pageant. Jets heard about human pageants and hes all excited. But Edgar tells him to calm down theyre not going to watch the pageant, theyre going to retrieve one of Skors gems!
S01:E06 - Digging for Dinos
The Posse is kicking back in their headquarters when they spot a story on the news about an 8-year-old kid Billy Bailey who has made a remarkable discovery. Billy was building a sandcastle in his front yard when he unearthed a spectacular gem. Local gemologists have never seen anything like it. It appears to be the largest, purest, most valuable gem ever discovered
S01:E07 - Extreme Edgar
When Skor discovers a crystal hidden in the Extreme Fighting Championship Belt, he devises a plan to get it. Since only humans are allowed to compete, he tricks Edgar into becoming his protg. Skor, posing as a Martial Arts Master, trains Edgar so that he may slip into the ring as his trainer and blast the crystal with his dino-expander.
S01:E08 - Straight Outta Megalopolis
A famous rapper named MASTER M.C. KLENZ is shooting his music video at the museum when the Dino Posse learns of a Crystal somewhere in the rappers vicinity. As they investigate the video shoot, they notice something strange about Klenz back-up singers. Is it their dancing? Their singing? Or their claws! The Links pop out of their slinky back-up dancer disguises and try to grab the rapper.
S01:E09 - All the Queens Dinos
Kane is in the midst of teaching the posse a bit about their proud dino roots when Lucy rushes in with exciting news The Queen is coming to visit Megalopolis! !! (This is fascinating to Lucy because of her new found interest in human princesses and other royalty). She drags the posse boys to join the crowds and watch the Queens motorcade pass by.
S01:E10 - Polly, I Shrunk the Dinos
In a desperate attempt to get the crystals back from the KFDP, Skor SHRINKS down his hapless brother Skrap and sends him to infiltrate the KFDP headquarters. It is all going according to plan, and Skrap is making off with a crystal, until a very tired Chow (he is studying so he can give a speech at Pollys paleontologist conference) accidentally eats Skrap and the crystal!
S01:E11 - Wing Nuts
Jet is suffering from terrible W.O. Wing Odor and its making all the other Posse members nuts. No matter how much under-wing deodorant he uses, he still stinks. Something must be done immediately to fix this! So Edgar helps Jet find a wing doctor, who turns out to be Skrap in disguise. Unbeknownst to the posse, Skor and Skrap were behind Jets sudden W.O. as well.
S01:E12 - BDFF (Best Dino Friends Forever)
Most of the time, Lucy feels like part of the gang. But, lately, shes feeling left out. The male members of the posse are really grating on her nerves. And when Jet and Chow declare that theyre having an all night belch-a-thon, Lucy throws her arms up in disgust. Being the only female in the Kung Fu Dino Posse isnt easy. Being the only female dinosaur on earth is nearly impossible!
S01:E13 - To Skor, With Lava
As the KFDP headquarters becomes more modernized (with workout equipment and energy drinks and such ), Kane feels like hes losing touch with his dino roots. So he announces to the others that hes moving out into a rustic cave on the outskirts of town just like back in the good old prehistoric days. As the other dinos plead with Kane to reconsider We see Skor and Skrap.
S01:E14 - Swimming Lessons
Jet is wake-boarding across Lake Megalopolis when he does an aerial move, and tries to land only to crash into a dry lake bed. All of the lakes water has suddenly vanished, leaving behind only fish and the speedboat Chow was using to tow Jet. Who stole all the H2O? Even more importantly, Chow wonders, who will save all these fish left dry on the lakebed?
S01:E15 - Dino Demotion
After a high-speed chase for a crystal, Skors run ends in a Chow-style roadbock: AKA a gaint pile of manure. Skor vows to erase them from history! and he isnt kidding.
S01:E16 - Dinos In Space
Edgar excitedly shows the posse his new telescope. He plans to use it to watch Baileys Comet. Its a brilliant comet streaking through the sky making its closest pass to earth in nearly 60 million years. As Edgar looks at the comet through his telescope, he scratches his head the comet appears to be slightly off trajectory. As Edgar hustles off to crunch some numbers
S01:E17 - Loose Links
Skor plans to flatten Megalopolis with a massive, 60-story tall rock, but he suddenly has no one to help him push the rock down his mountain. This is because his normally-subservient army of Links has run off in disgust over being fed the wrong meal at lunchtime. Meanwhile, Edgar is struggling to get the Dinos to help with his latest experiments, but everyone is too busy.
S01:E18 - Dino Cruise
After playing the home version of one of his favorite competitive eating shows, Chow receives a phone call naming him winner of a cruise for him and all his friends. Unfortunately, its Edgars turn to host the annual Ginger Ale and Cheese Party for the Paleontologists Society so hell be staying home.
S01:E19 - Dimplecorn
Realizing local octogenarian Agatha Dimplecorn is a surprisingly-powerful combatant, Skor attempts to channel her rage towards the Posse especially since the Dinos respect their elders too much to fight back.
S01:E20 - Dinos in the Desert
The KFDP learns of a MASSIVE CRYSTAL located somewhere in the middle of the desert. Pinpointing the location with a GPS device, Edgar realizes that its actually quite a far distance outside of town. The dinos hastily throw together some supplies for their impromptu road trip and load up their DUVs.
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