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S01:E01 - Bob's Burglary

Bob and Margaret

Season 1 Episode 1 - Bob's Burglary

1998 · 23 min
While Bob and Margaret are sleeping, the local criminals, Beany and Boney clear their house - TV, video, microwave and electric toothbrush all go. The police arrive but are wholly uninterested in yet another petty burglary. Bob has a big plan to inflate the claim to compensate for his "pain and suffering". He convinces Margaret that the whole insurance business is geared to paying out big. Insurance companies make huge profits on the basis of crime existing and that if Bob and Margaret don't contribute to the statistics, people will not feel the need to have insurance and so everybody will lose out in the end. A scary meeting with the loss adjuster goes well when he surmises that a childless middle aged couple would obviously have expensive hi-fi's and TV's. "What else is going to bring joy into your lives" he asks?While Beany and Boney flog their acquisitions at a car boot sale, Bob and Margaret are on a shopping spree, replacing their lost things with top-of the line goods. That night, Beany and Boney spot the empty boxes piled by Bob and Margaret's dustbins. "Better than the crap we got last time" they muse. We fade to black over the tinkling of broken glass.
S01:E01 - Bob's Burglary
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