Wibbly Pig
Season 1 Episode 33 - Kite
Wibbly is flying a very lovely kite that he made - waiting for Aunt Larlie to arrive - he’s even wearing one of her very special new cardies that she has knitted for him. But then disaster strikes when the kite falls to the ground and lands in a puddle. It is broken beyond repair. Then Wibbly falls in the puddle and ruins his cardie - what will Aunt Larlie say? When he hangs up the cardie to dry he inadvertently creates a brand new kite! But here comes Aunt Larlie - what will she say when she sees her hard work flying above the park?
Season 1
S01:E01 - Squiggle
Wibbly is painting. He has painted a lion, a clown, a kite, a house and a flower! When he accidentally splashes the paper and then paints a squiggle to cover it, the squiggle comes to life and chases all around the paper - changing the painting he has already done! Suddenly the clown has a bow tie - the kite has a tail and a squiggly sun shines over the house - it’s all that cheeky squiggle! Then we discover how to start a picture with a squiggle!
S01:E02 - Shadows
Wibbly is making shadows on the wall in the moonlight. He shows us how his own shadow copies everything he does - but then his shadow seems to get ideas of its own! It runs all around the room, up and down and all around! Then it changes into a spotty shadow, a stripy shadow - even a zig zaggy shadow! When will this naughty shadow start behaving itself... actually... this is more fun, and Wibbly and his shadows perform the Super Shadow Show! Then a cloud comes across the moon, the light fades and the shadows disappear.
S01:E03 - Castle
Wibbly has arranged an array of large cardboard boxes and made his very own castle. The thing is, there is a Dragon inside, hiding in its lair. We decide to go with him to find it. Along the way we meet the King and his Wizard, and both are worried about this dragon, its long claws and scales and its fiery breath. Finally we venture into the dungeons and find... a very small lovely dragon making toast! Wibbly knew all along!
S01:E04 - Flowerpots
Wibbly is planting a seed - at least he’s trying to, if that cheeky bird doesn’t eat them all first! He has no idea what it might grow in to. A daisy, or a tree, or a Pigley tree! Once it is settled deep in the soil we watch it to see what happens - but it takes ages! Day after day there is still no green shoot, until we imagine what it is going to be - perhaps a great big beanstalk that provides curly slides and swings! In the end the seed pokes out the smallest of shoots - and we learn from the packet that it will grow up to be a sunflower.
S01:E05 - Wibbly Can't Sleep
Wibbly can’t sleep. It doesn’t matter if he turns this way or that way, or if he turns the light off or keeps the light on - he just can’t sleep! We try singing him a lullaby - but he gets distracted by the idea that there might be bed bugs biting him! If only the bed wasn’t so lumpy! And if only he could find Pigley... we look all around with no luck and then get back into the lumpy bed...hang on... that lump looks Pigley shaped! It is! It’s Pigley! Night night Wibbly!
S01:E06 - Cushion Mountain
Wibbly can’t sleep. It doesn’t matter how hard he tries he can’t get comfy on this cushion. So he tries two cushions - but still he can’t get comfy. More and more cushions get added on, until he has made a cushion mountain! We try to help him sleep by singing him a lullaby - but in the end it takes some energetic bouncing to tire him out! As he drifts off to sleep the mountain is covered with snow - and there are footprints made by a yeti!
S01:E07 - Telescope
Aunt Larlie has sent Wibbly a present - a long telescope! Wibbly loves the way it can make things look so much closer than they are! First we try looking at Pigley, then we try looking at the trees in the garden and then, that night, we start looking at space! There, in front of our eyes, there are some space pigs dancing in the starry sky! This telescope really is one of the best presents ever! But then a huge comet starts falling towards us, it looks disastrous... until Wibbly realises it is only a small sticker from his space chart made to look bigger by the telescope!
S01:E08 - Star
Wibbly is feeling very nervous about the play he is doing later. He needs some luck to make sure it goes well! Then he finds a small silver star in the garden - his lucky star! He asks the star to give him luck - but the star tells him he doesn’t need luck - he just needs to do his best! Wibbly isn’t convinced, so the star says if Wibbly helps her get back into the sky then he shall learn about luck. As they try to get her higher and higher the little star demonstrates that the plants that grow and the spiders that weave don’t need luck - they need hard work. Wibbly gets the message and the show is a success!
S01:E09 - Balloons
Wibbly is having a party and blowing up a lot of balloons - the problem is they won’t stay up in the air. He tries blowing them, throwing them and holding them but it is no good. Then we imagine what journey you might go on if the balloons were to float up high and take us into the sky. We fly with Wibbly and his balloons across the face of a rainbow, before landing again and blowing up a whole host of balloon animal friends - just in time for the party!
S01:E10 - Boat
Wibbly is using a box to make a boat to go on an adventure! We need a mast and a sail. Tiny Pig comes too, but he’s not sure how the sail works. First there is a gentle breeze which helps the boat move slowly and gently. Wibbly draws a map as we go. Along the way we meet a crab and a whale! The wind picks up and blows us to a desert island where we meet Scruffy Pig. We offer to take him home - but aren’t sure how to get home. Then Wibbly remembers - he has drawn a map - we just have to hope for a good strong wind to fill the sail and blow us back home!
S01:E11 - Noise
Wibbly is standing very very still. He has heard a strange noise and doesn’t know what it is. Together we decide to go and find it. Is it coming from the bedroom? It sounds like a spaceship? No! That strange noise is a little clockwork frog! Is it coming from the bathroom? It sounds like an octopus taking a shower! No! That strange noise is a drippy tap! It’s coming from the garden! We creep slowly towards the clickety clackety racket and find... Aunt Larlie doing her knitting!
S01:E12 - Dance
What sort of music makes you want to wiggle and dance? We all like different things! Wibbly can’t seem to find the right music, and no matter how many CD’s he puts into his bright yellow CD player nothing seems right. Big Pig loves marching, and we all march with him. Spotty Pig loves jungle music, and we all pretend to be animals with him! The Pig Twins like doing the mirror dance and even Tiny Pig has his own favourite music. In the end Wibbly and his friends put all the music together and dance to it all!
S01:E13 - Everyone Hide
Everyone is hiding from Wibbly Pig - and Wibbly wants to find them all so he doesn’t have to be ‘it’ and he can hide too. But everyone keeps hiding in the same place! This means that whenever Wibbly finds them there isn’t a ‘last’ person who has to be ‘it’! They all hide under the stairs, behind the sofa - they even dress up as toys. Tiny Pig thinks he is very bad at the game... until he finds the smallest hiding place ever - and they can’t find him at all! When they do find him he is made ‘it’ and at last Wibbly Pig gets to hide too!
S01:E14 - Tent
Wibbly is playing under a blanket and turning it into a tent - the best form of portable home. You never know what’s going to be outside the tent flap. But before the journey can begin Pigley goes missing.. Our search takes us into the deep forest, the cold Antarctic and high into the mountains where we are helped by a badger’s keen sense of smell, a skating penguin and a sharp-eyed eagle - but when Pigley is found has he eaten all the biscuits?!
S01:E15 - Car
Wibbly likes driving in his car... he doesn’t know where he is going, just that the trip is worth the time. But despite his best efforts to take Pigley on a pleasant drive he finds he keeps getting interrupted by other road users! The Pig Twins seems to love speed and whizz around, Scruffy Pig kicks up a cloud of dust with his big scruffy tractor and Tiny Pig causes a traffic jam as he is too polite to overtake a snail! In the end a race is called - but Wibbly has a plan to make sure his afternoon stays peaceful!
S01:E16 - Spaceship
It doesn’t seem to matter how messy Wibbly’s room is, no-one wants to help tidy up! They would much rather play spaceships! Poor Scruffy wants to be the driver and the navigator and the co-pilot, but he has to make do with sitting at the back whilst Wibbly takes the helm. But when their spaceship launches they find themselves in a curious universe, cluttered with toys. Enjoying the weightless grace of walking in space the pig friends tidy up the galaxy and when they return to earth they find the room has been tidied too!
S01:E17 - Bubbles
Poor Wibbly - he is the proud owner of a new bubble set and blower, but everyone else can blow perfect bubbles except him! He either blows too hard or blows too softly. Even Pigley and the breeze itself can blow perfect bubbles. When he finally manages to blow a few bubbles they form together into a bubble Wibbly and lead him on a lovely bubbly adventure! What other types of bubble can they blow? Square bubbles? Long bubbles or shiny bubbles - and will Wibbly learn to blow the perfect bubble before the day is done?
S01:E18 - Big Aunt Larlie
Over the years Big Aunt Larlie has been very kind to Wibbly Pig. Ever since he was a piglet she has knitted him a whole array of fluffy baby suits, itchy jumpers, heavy sweaters and droopy cardigans. So now that Aunt Larlie is due to visit again Wibbly is dreading her gift - it is bound to be something woolly and unwearable! When she does arrive she carries a large present, but Wibbly can’t open it until they have sung a song, done a dance and eaten a muffin - Wibbly remembers Aunt Larlie is also a lot of fun... but when he opens the present what will he find?!
S01:E19 - Sandcastle
Wibbly Pig, Big Pig and Tiny Pig are on the beach and decide they are going to make the best sandcastle ever! They plan out what shape it will be and how many towers it will have. But it isn’t as straightforward as you’d think - if the sand is too dry the castle falls down, if it is too wet the sand won’t come out of the bucket! In the end they get the mix just right - but can they protect their castle from the waves of the incoming tide?
S01:E20 - Snowman
It is very cold outside and Wibbly Pig and his friends are all making their own versions of snow balls. Scruffy has made a big messy snow pile! Together they make a snow pig! But this Snow pig runs away from them and wants to play. With all the chasing about he starts to get hot and melt. By the end of the day it cools off so he is alright, but when it is time to go in, the Snow pig will be lonely... so Wibbly and his playmates make him some snow pig friends!
S01:E33 - Kite
Wibbly is flying a very lovely kite that he made - waiting for Aunt Larlie to arrive - he’s even wearing one of her very special new cardies that she has knitted for him. But then disaster strikes when the kite falls to the ground and lands in a puddle. It is broken beyond repair. Then Wibbly falls in the puddle and ruins his cardie - what will Aunt Larlie say? When he hangs up the cardie to dry he inadvertently creates a brand new kite! But here comes Aunt Larlie - what will she say when she sees her hard work flying above the park?
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