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S06:E22 - Dual Reverse Heli Bungee / Military Crate Drop / Heli-Semi Plunge

Fear Factor

Season 6 Episode 22 - Dual Reverse Heli Bungee / Military Crate Drop / Heli-Semi Plunge

2005 · 45 min
Both contestants are strapped to a wratchet line - similar to a reverse bungee - on the deck of the USS Hornet, with their bungees attached to a helicopter. Hanging below the helicopter is a cargo net. On go each contestant releases himself, flinging him towards the cargo net. Once on the net contestants must pluck as many flags as they can and then let go to stop the clock. Using dull knives contestants will cut their way through two separate ropes, causing a cargo net containing three military style boxes to lower to the ground. Working together, the contestants will then untie a knot at the top of the netting in order to reach the first box which they will then open revealing hundreds of snakes guarding a hack saw and crow bar (fastened to the bottom of the box by a series of bolts). They must retrieve the items from the box and then each must use either the hack saw or crow bar to open the two remaining boxes. A canteen filled with rotten swamp water (fish sauce & water based) and leeches will be found in one box and a canned Fear Factor food ration consisting of gelatin packed worms, maggots and eyeballs in the other. The contestants will eat/drink the contents of their respective boxes. The contestants that take the longest combined time to eat their items will be eliminated. Contestants are connected to a helicopter and must repel down a line to the USS Hornet deck (still connected to helicopter when on the deck). They must then run and climb up the back of a large military vehicle which is headed towards the edge of the deck. Once on top of the military vehicle they must collect as many flags as they can before the vehicle goes over the edge and they fly away dangling from the helicopter.
Audio Languages: English
Starring:Joe Rogan
Directed by:Ethan Cohan
S06:E22 - Dual Reverse Heli Bungee / Military Crate Drop / Heli-Semi Plunge
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