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S03:E10 - Episode 10

Beauty and the Geek Australia

Season 3 Episode 10 - Episode 10

2011 · 1 hr 12 min
In the final episode of BEAUTY AND THE GEEK AUSTRALIA, our remaining four teams knuckle down for some cram studying in hopes of scoring the best school report card. The beauties must compete in a Rocket Science test while the geeks must bake a cake that represents their beauty in a Home Economics test. Together they will then be marked on a Physical Education task that takes the form of a Synchronised Diving. Then the final three teams travel to the school formal, where a dance off will determine the final two teams who will go into the final elimination quiz. The winning team will walk home with the crown of Beauty and the Geek Australia winners and a $100,000 prize. Beauty and the Geek Australia is hosted by BERNARD CURRY.
Audio Languages: English
Starring:Bernard Curry
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