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Season 2 Episode 25 - Katelyn
Princess Katelyn used to her student loans to travel the world and to pay for some personal upgrades like a $5,000 nose job, along the way.
Starring:Gail Vaz-Oxlade
Directed by:Roxana Spicer
Season 1
S01:E01 - Ashley
With a fiancé who adores her, Princess Ashley knows how to get what she wants. Using guilt trips, manipulation and outright lies, Ashley's convinced her fiancé Kyle to go into debt to keep her happy - but now he's at a breaking point. Money is the number one issue in their budding relationship. Even though Kyle is covering the living costs, food and vacations Ashley is still racking up over $1,050 of cash advances from her credit card per month to cover her wants. Either Ashley has to change or the wedding is off.
S01:E02 - Tanya
Princess Tanya is a 24-year old makeup artist with a "me, myself and I" attitude. She expects her boyfriend and family to cater to her every whim and bail her out of her messes. Now she owes thousands of dollars to family and other creditors and every month, she's sinking a little deeper.
S01:E03 - Lee
Princess Lee is a poised, sophisticated and single 33 year-old woman living in the heart of a high end shopping district. As a beauty adviser at an up market department store, she has acclimatized herself to her posh surroundings. Lee is not just brand name, she's designer-exclusive. Costly medi-spa treatments, $18 cocktails, $200 meals and $800 shoes are the norm for this retail clerk and it's led her to more than $17,000 worth of debt with only a closet full of shoes and clothes to show for it.
S01:E04 - Katie
Katie is the ultimate "Princess". With her perfectly coiffed blonde locks, waifish figure and designer clothes, the 23-year old nanny looks like she stepped out of an episode of a Hollywood reality series. She lives with her mom and stepfather in their beautiful custom-built house where she claims the best and biggest room in the home for herself. She's got no plans to move out anytime soon, leaving Katie's mother to wonder how old her daughter will be before she finally grows up.
S01:E05 - Krista
Princess Krista is a self-confessed "drama queen" and "shopaholic". Husband Ryan agrees. In their 14 years together, she and Ryan have separated three times over Krista's spending problems. Recently she left her husband because she couldn't bring herself to tell him that she'd once again racked up their credit cards and line of credit. They temporarily reconciled after she finally came clean, but the couple is $60,000 in the hole.
S01:E06 - Kezia
Princess Kezia wants to lead the glamorous life of a princess on the salary of a pauper. The 24 year-old spoiled make-up artist owes credit card companies, relatives and her boyfriend over $20, 000 and not only feels entitled the money, but has no intention of ever paying them back. Kezia has been living on someone else's dime for a long time, but now the party's over.
S01:E07 - Neelam
At only 21 years old, Neelam's alienating family and friends with her cavalier attitude towards money and debt. She dreams of a glamourous career in television or fashion, preferably in front of the camera, but isn't interested in the hard work it's going to take to get there. In the meantime, Neelam works in debt collections - an industry she's very familar with since she has thousands of dollars of outstanding bills in collections herself.
S01:E08 - Julie
40-year old Princess Julie has absolutely nothing to show for her years save for closetfuls of designer clothes, shoes, purses, cosmetics - and close to $20,000 in debt. She recently quit her job as a bartender and this isn't the first time the self-proclaimed "Daddy's Girl" has walked out on a job in a huff. But this time, her father Larry has told her "the bank of Dad is closed" and this has Julie very worried.
S01:E09 - Laura
18-year old Princess Laura has just graduated from high school but she's already managed to obtain, and abuse, a credit card. Laura's mom was shocked to learn that her daughter obtained the card behind Mom's back. She worries that her naive daughter is heading down a dangerous road if she doesn't see the error of her ways soon.
S01:E10 - Courtney
Cortney may lack the fake tan, designer clothes and extensions characteristic of the typical Princess, but beneath the crunchy façade there lurks a royal pain who takes advantage of friends and family to fund a lifestyle that is well beyond her means. Cortney has a "relaxed" attitude towards money - especially other people's - and her philosophy of "It all comes out in the wash" is rubbing friends and family the wrong way.
S01:E11 - Nicole
25 year old Princess Nicole's fiscal problems have become a major issue for everyone in her life. Her mom bails her out every month. Her younger sister hides her credit card because Nicole won't stop pestering her to use it. But the one most affected by this Princess' self-centred spending is her 9-year old daughter Keowa. Keowa spends most of her time at Grandma's, who ensures that Keowa has enough to eat.
S01:E12 - Nicola
30-something Nicola is an aspiring singer. For the past year, Nicola has been living a fabulous lifestyle, being wined and dined, taken on vacation and living in a comfortable home with her Lothario boyfriend. While he was busy footing the bills, Nicola worked only sporadically and spent the rest of her time daydreaming about becoming a vocalist. She hasn't done much to further her career in music, but in the meantime, she doesn't want to take a job that might interfere with her art. It all came crashing down when Nicola left her boyfriend. She's now penniless, jobless and clueless when it comes to the severity of her situation.
S01:E13 - Jennifer
Jennifer is a Princess without a castle. Almost 30 years old, Jennifer has tons of make up, bags and clothes but has also found herself virtually homeless on more than one occasion. After being evicted from her apartment, Jennifer lived with her best friend Jody, Jody's husband and baby, sleeping on the couch, and even moved with the family when they bought a house.
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