The Legend of Prince Valiant
After his kingdom is usurped, Prince Valliant sets out on a thrilling quest to find Camelot and join King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table.
Season 1
S01:E01 - The Dream
King Willem of Thule, Prince Valiant's father, and his men are under attack by a ruthless tyrant named Cynan. Defeat forces King Willem, Queen Briana and Prince Valiant to abandon their castle and flee their rightful home. After a long, arduous journey across the sea they touch land.
S01:E02 - The Journey
Prince Valiant, on his quest for Camelot, must contend with all of nature's wonders and dangers alone until he meets a shy, yet savvy peasant named Am.
S01:E03 - The Blacksmith's Daughter
In search of a blacksmith to repair a broken dagger, Valiant and Arn stumble into a fight in the village of Bridgesford. Robert, the newly appointed sheriff, is trying to claim the blacksmith's unwilling daughter, Rowanne, as his wife. Val and Arn rescue Rowanne, but their lives are endangered when the local baron, Duncan Draconarius, learns of their quest for Camelot.
S01:E04 - The Kidnapping
Rowanne, quietly practicing her archery in the woods one day, is suddenly abducted. Her kidnapper turns out to be John, a bumbling good-for-nothing acquaintance from her own village, who thinks he can return her to Bridgesford and collect the bounty the Baron has placed on her head.
S01:E05 - The Trust
Behind a waterfall outside the castle-keep, Val discovers the skeleton of a Viking warrior. When he pulls on an arrow wedged in the Viking's chest, it triggers a trap door and he plunges into a deep cavern. There he finds a half-crazed Viking warrior -- the sole survivor of an ambushed peace mission sent to Camelot.
S01:E06 - The Finding of Camelot
Arn wakes up one morning to the sound of mighty hoof beats approaching the castle-keep. He quickly rouses Valiant and Rowanne to witness an incredible vision of a Knight with the emblem of Camelot on his shield galloping past them. Assured that this is the way to King Arthur's castle, the trio follows the Knight. Soon they are standing in front of one of the most splendid spectacles on earth...Camelot!
S01:E07 - The Gift
Rolf, King Willem's Lord of Arms, has arrived at Camelot bearing a letter and gift from Valiant's father. But Val refuses to accept either, still hurt that his father never gave him his blessing when he left the marsh for Camelot. Too busy with a rigorous training session that week, he inadvertently ignores Rolf.
S01:E08 - The Singing Sword
Rowanne hastily leaves for Bridgesford one morning because of a terrible premonition that her family is in danger. Arn joins her, but Valiant refuses, reminding Am that they are all wanted in Bridgesford by the Baron Duncan Draconarius. Later that evening, Valiant has second thoughts and rides off to catch up with them.
S01:E09 - The Trust Betrayed
Valiant, Arn and Rowanne have joined the rest of Camelot in celebrating the return of Mordred the Valorous, one of the original knights of Camelot. However, Val is perplexed at Mordred's unwillingness to consider a peace treaty with the Vikings.
S01:E10 - The Secret of Perilous Garde
Sir Gawain, the confirmed bachelor, has surprised all of Camelot by sending a messenger bearing an announcement that...he is getting married. Valiant, Rowanne and Arn are chosen to represent Camelot at Gawain's wedding to Queen Ileene of Perilous Garden.
S01:E11 - The Dawn of Darkness
Camelot must contend with a force the likes of which has never been seen -- gunpowder. A scholar from Cathay, Chun Ling Su, has invented a mysterious black powder able to destroy whole forts in a single blow. And he has put it in the hands of Maldon, the son of one of Arthur's most bitter foes now allied with an army of Vikings.
S01:E12 - The Visitor
A great tournament is taking place in Camelot. Knights from all over the realm have come to participate, including one that can outboast even Sir Gawain...Sir Harold of York. Born of peasant stock himself, Sir Harold soon befriends Arn and asks him to attend him in the tournament.
S01:E13 - The Trap
A small group from Camelot is celebrating Arthur and Guinevere's anniversary at Canonwolde, the fortress where Arthur and Guinevere first lived when they were married.
S01:E14 - The Return
A powerful ruler from the north, King Ian, is at Camelot negotiating a treaty with Arthur. One of the last holdouts in the region, Ian still believes that might makes right, and gives Arthur one last chance to convince him that the New Order can work.
S01:E15 - The Awakening
While King Arthur and Guinevere are away on official business, Merlin's life is put in danger -- Morgana has convinced Lord Keller, who is feuding with Merlin, to slip him a highly potent sleeping potion. When Valiant learns of this, he hastily leaves Camelot with Rowanne and Arn to find the alchemist Om, the only one who might have the antidote for Merlin.
S01:E16 - The Turn of the Wheel
A gala is taking place at Camelot to honor Sir Gawain and Sir Bryant, the heroes of the siege of Canonwolde (Episode 13). Valiant and Arn, though, ordered to polish the saddles and repair the carriages in the stables, won't be able to attend the festivities.
S01:E17 - The Competitor
On his way to Camelot, the dashing (but arrogant) Prince Edwin and his younger, shier, brother Giles, save Rowanne from some robbers. A newcomer who hopes to be the "greatest" Knight of the Round Table, Edwin quickly wins Rowanne's heart by paying attention to her feminine side. This is vastly different than Val's treatment of her as "one of the boys," and Rowanne agrees to accompany Edwin to the annual Spring Festival.
S01:E18 - The Road Back
Valiant has been appointed to escort Baron Duncan Draconarius to King Ian of Kengarry to pay for the murder of Derrik, Ian's loyal aide and mediator. Unknown to Val, though, Ian has been under siege by rebels since his return from Camelot
S01:E19 - The Iron Fist
A young knight and friend of Valiant's, Sir Giles, have discovered a dark secret about Sir Gideon, one of Camelot's most revered members. Sir Gideon, who wears an iron fist in place of a hand lost in battle, is extorting money from the villagers of Twyllingham.
S01:E20 - The Waif
On an errand for Merlin, Valiant stumbles across a traveling minstrel show under the direction of a ruthless, oily fellow named Kirwood. Val's initial meeting is shocking as he witnesses Kirwood walloping a skinny, filthy urchin named Denys. Without hesitating, Val intercedes and rescues the poor lad from a brutal beating. On his way out of town later that day, he discovers that Denys has escaped his cruel master and stowed himself in Val's cart.
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