When Tyrants Rule the World
This series explores the lives of the most notorious tyrants of the modern era, featuring rare footage and eyewitness interviews.
Directed by:Edward Feuerherd
Season 1
S01:E01 - Kings and Nobility
King Wilhelm II of Prussia was one of the most recognizable public figures of World War I. He gained a reputation as a militarist through his poorly advised newspaper interviews.
S01:E02 - Philosophers for the Masses
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels argued that socialism is a superior government to that of capitalism through The Communist Manifesto.
S01:E03 - Fascism and the Master Race
Dictators of World War II, Hitler and Mussolini, are examined.
S01:E04 - Communism and the Cold War
Ho Chi Minh led the Vietnamese nationalist movement for more than three decades, fighting first against the Japanese, then the French, and then the US-backed South Vietnamese.
S01:E05 - Brutal Pursuit of Power Ending in Disaster
Modern day tyrants, Fidel Castro and Juan Peron, saw great economic growth in their countries, but at the cost of many civil liberties.
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