The Battalion
This docuseries takes a look at the everyday lives of brave first responders as they fight fires and save lives in cities across North America.
Subtitles: English
Season 1
S01:E101 - 24 with Engine 3 (Pt. 1)
Night - Engine 3's Crew gets a few calls. A call comes in for a commercial structure fire, it's a guy who's a hoarder. Sparks fly as they gain entry on A, B and D sides. It takes the Fire Crew all night to fight the fire.
S01:E102 - 24 with Engine 3 (Pt. 2)
Firefighter/engineer Chris Garcia's family drops by for Easter Sunday. The guys are in the kitchen cooking up lunch, and a call comes and they are onto the rig. The Fire Company arrives at the scene to a shooting. The police had been in a pursuit of gang bangers in a black SUV. They find them and a shoot out occurs and the police shoot a suspect to a killing. Next up, a vehicle accident. Night falls and a call comes in for a commercial structure fire. Eng. 3's "A" Shift is 1st in on a Antique Store fire owned by a horder.
S01:E103 - First 24 With Truck 4
Station 4 "C" Shift. The four man crew staffs the Tower Ladder Truck, The USAR Rig that is used for Water Rescue; The 48 hour shift starts out with a the team going over the equipment necessary for finding victims of an earthquake that may be stuck under the rubble. The shift goes shopping for chow for the next 48 hours. As busy as this station is, they still find time to exercise. A call comes in, something, possibly a wrapped body, has been found in the canal. The Team responds in the USAR rig. The arrived on scene put on their gear and dive to the bottom of the canal to see if this is a recovery effort.
S01:E104 - A Day of Fire With Truck 4
48 Hours with Truck 4's "C" Shift. They arrive on-scene to find a small trailer blazing and a possibly a dangerous situation with an LP gas tank near the trailer. The next day they are called in to a large apartment fire and our directed to perform one of the many things that the Fresno Fire Department does right, 'Salvage". They is where Firemen do their best to protect and preseve the belongs at the homes where there is a fire incident. Their respect for people's homes and their personal property is something we have never seen with any other department. The truck crew starts salvage. In late afternoon, a call comes in as smoke showing from a building. The Truck Company arrives on scene of a Dollar Store and are directed to the rear. In the storage area, it is filled with smoke. The Crew bring out their thermal imagers and scan for hotspots.
S01:E105 - The Next Tour With Engine 3 "A" Shift
The 2nd half of this 48 with Eng. 3's "A" Shift. Firefighter Silva is on a strick diet and a full regiment of exercises. He takes advantage of whatever time he has in between the large volume of calls at Station 3. A call comes in for an additional engine is needed at a fire out in the west side of town, because there are no hydrants out here. But before they get there they are called off and head back to the station. On there way, they drive through one of the many homeless camps, that have overtaken the Downtown Fresno Area. It has become a very dangerous place for drugs, and prostitution. Back at the station, the guys open up a box of goodies they ordered online, some very cool glasses and Matt received the watch he has wanted for a very long time. One of the locals drops by and serenades the crew.. A call comes in, they are out the door, they arrive on-scene to a vehicle accident, no one is hurt. Next up, they are dispatched to a vehicle fire, they arrive on scene to find a Hummer fully in flames. Back to the station for a quick dinner, then, an EMS call, then, a fire at a homeless camp.
S01:E106 - The Day With Eng. 3
Then night ends with a structure fire started by an electrical problem created by a contractor doing an re-model. All engine companies must test their hose lines periodically, today is that day for the "A" Shift. Late afternoon, a hot-water heater fire in a garage destroys a birthday of a young girl. Then late night, a call comes in for a commercial fire at an office complex, this is where we first meet Captain Oney Durney, nearing retirement and a true Firemans, Firemen.
S01:E107 - Eng. 3 Apartment Fire (Pt. 1)
The crew of Engine 3's "A" Shift start their day with some of the best tacos in town, a call comes for a fire; the arrive on-scene to a mattress fire possibly set by a homeless person. Then a call comes in for a structure fire. They arrive on scene to a second floor apartment. Captain Palmer takes Command and his crew go into action. Firemen is Garcia on the pump panel, Firefighter Silva pulls the nozzle up the steps, and safely puts on his PPE and they head into the fire. Arson investigation arrives on scene. Back at the station, a quick bit of food, and another call comes in for a structure fire and the Palmer and the crew head out the door.
S01:E108 - Eng 9 From Brush to Structure Fires
We meet the crew from Engine 9 with Captain Karey Wedemeyer on the B" shift. The morning starts off with them getting new SCBAs, then, they catch a EMS run. Back at the Station, since it's the Captain's Birthday, everyone, including the cameraman, have to workout to one of Karey's workout DVD's,. The Captain is quite the animal lover, she actually works for a Pit Bull shelter in Fresno. 4:00AM, a call comes in. It's a structure fire, at this fire the Captain meets up with her husband, a Captain on Engine 3's "B" Shift. Once again, you'll see Captain Durney, he may be close to retirement, but that does not stop him from doing all he can, all of the time.
S01:E109 - Jumper on CA RT 99 With Eng. 13
Firefighter Keola Park who you've see on Engine 3, is now part of the water rescue and USAR teams. He starts his day before his shift with a boot in his hand on a busy corner as part of the "Fill the Boot for Jerry's Kids" drive. 1st call, a gas leak, then off to water rescue training with the team at the pool. Then they all meet at the river with fast moving currents, for Keola, this is his first time. Afternoon shopping for the next 48 hours, and back to the station for a sit down lunch. Night, a call comes in, a man is standing on a giant road sign attached to the crossing bridge high above the California 99 Highway, and he's cutting his wrists, the road is closed in both ways and he's got an audience.
S01:E110 - #10 With Eng. 9
Station 9, Engine 9 and the "B" Shift with Captain Karey Wedemeyer and her crew. !st call of the morning is an EMS call, a young woman is pregnant and out of breath, she has Asthma. The Paramedics arrive and assist the crew as they administer medication, pack her up for transport to the ambulance. The crew shop for their entire 48 hour shift. Back at the station, they stow their food and a call comes in about smoke in a local restaurant in the Tower District They arrive on scene to find a street fair celebration. They check with the thermal imager to see if they can locate where the smoke is coming from. They get back to the station, finally have lunch and a call comes in. Turns out that an arsonist might have started a small field on fire and now it's into the eves of this single family dwelling.
S01:E111 - Eng 5 Residential Fire
Station 5, it's the first morning of this 48 hour shift. They are all doing chores working on the yard. They had just finished up when the call came in; it sounds like a structure fire. As they are in route, it comes over the radio that neighbors are calling in, they see smoke. Engine 5 arrives on scene, the 1st In, and they pull a line, Mike is on the nozzle, and we go into the fire with Mike as he enters the garage, and it's blazing. After the fire, they all re-hab, get their bottles filled while the Battalion Chief goes over the ops.
S01:E112 - Vegetation Fire With Engine 5
Engine 5, with Mike Alvarez behind the wheel, arrives at Pizza Joint where other engine companies are on-scene of what could be an electric fire. The Captain explains the call. Another call comes in, it's a vegetation fire, Engine 5 responds. They arrive on-scene of a huge vegetation fire along the freeway. Engine 9 takes the top road. The Department of Forestry rigs are on there way to a fire and they stop to help, but have to hit the road before the fire gets under control. Zippy, the Driver/Engineer on Engine 5 finds out he has made Captain, the B.C. drops by for congradulations. Mike on Engine 5 takes control of the Deck Gun and plummets water across the side of the hill. It takes a few hours to get it wet enough to declare in it safe. Late night, a call comes in, it's a structure fire, when Engine 5 arrives they are assigned to "Salvage". In Fresno, the firefighters take care of the homeowners property as if it were their own. They want to make sure that if there is anything to hand over to the family that it will be good shape.
S01:E113 - A Day With Traveler David Ramirez at Engine 3
Station 3, Engine 3 "A" Shift with Captain Palmer. Travelers are Firefighters without a Station for a home, and they cover all firefighters at all the stations in a Battalion. Today, we are with Firefighter David Ramirez as he works in the kitchen on some chow. A fire alarm goes off, and the firemen arrive on scene to find a leak. They find the main valve and take care of the problem. Next, a call comes in for a structure fire, and the firemen arrive on-scene to find a homeless person operating a BBQ inside a vacant home that is supposed to be secured by this plywood. Engine 3 has to deal with a tremendous amount of homeless in this part of town. Next, another structure fire, it's busy day in the high heat of Central California, The building is vacant, but still dangerous.
S01:E114 - 48 Hours With Captain Durney
This is 48 Hours is with Capt. Oney Durney at Station 13. This firefigher has been with the department for so many years, they are not really sure as to how old he is. He's nearing his retirement and trying to get as much time on the job that he loves so much before he has to retire. Take in mind, this guys is on both the USAR and Water Rescue team, we find him on Trucks and Engines, and he's still trys to be first-in. When you see him complete his Wildland Fire Training with his crew, it's over 100 degree's, he's in his yellows, shovel or rake in hand, and he is out there heading up his crew. During the sit-down training sessions, he's gaining every bit of knowledge they are teaching today, to us, this guys a true Gladitor in the fire service.In this webisode, some of his brothers and sisters in the fire service give him a shout out.
S01:E115 - Engines 3 and 9
We finish up a 24 hour shift with the crew from Engine 9 who finish with a morning structure fire. The next 24 hours back at Station 9 with firefighter Robert Castillion, he just made Captain at the busiest station in Fresno, Station 3. Garcia is the Engineer. A call comes in, it's a rubbish fire. It's Night, we are back at Station 9, to find the crew in the engine bay doing todays exercise. Then, the call comes in, with both engine companies responding. Engine 3 is on-scene with Truck 4 when Engine 9 arrives. Tonight they are testing out some Key Combat Ready Hose line, it pulls out great; they are in on this mattress wherehouse fire for a little while.
S01:E116 - Engine 3 and Abandoned Homes
Morning, Station 3, Engine 3, "A" Shift with Captain Palmer. Today, the crew have an Explorer Scott on-board for this 24 hour shift. Garcia checks his new mask, and the guys check their gear, Time to shop for chow. A call comes in, which sounds like a structure fire, for some, it's the first time using these SCBA's. They arrive on scene, Rameriz pulls a line down the drivieway, it's a structure fire for sure. Captain Palmer explains the call. A call comes in it's a commercail fire; In route, it's said to be a recycling plant. They arrive on-scene, and the Exployer gets some time on the nozzle. Next, it's a medical call, a man is down at bus maintence. It's a medical, just over the bridge at the AM/PM. We arrive on scene of a Gang Shooting.
S01:E117 - A Day With Oney Durney
6:00AM, a call comes in. The crew arrives to find that the victim in a possible suicidal attempt is a close friend of the Captain. Back to the station, a litte time to tend to the yard; a call comes in for a vehicle accident.
S01:E118 - A Day With Engine 13
Engine 13, arrive at the canal where they find the crew from Station 4 with their USAR Rescue Rig and Truck 4, they are ready in case a call comes in. Each of the divers go through the evolution of training. This training has to focus on rescue and recovery. Each time a person is missing near the canals, they assume that they may be caught under a bridge full of debris. This debris makes it very dangerous for the divers, so they practice this as much as possible. In the Afternoon, back at Station 13, a call comes in as an incident at the river. They hook up the boats, the Engine and the Rescue Truck pulling the boats head for the river, and they begin their search for what is now said to be someting floating in the river.
S01:E119 - A Day in the Public Information Call Dispatch Center
Koby Johns, a (PIO) Public Information Officer for a two year term wants to be out there on the hose line. This episode features Firefighter John's as the PIO over one day and picks up a 24 hour shift at Station 5 catching calls.
S01:E120 - Structure Fire: Eng. 4 First In
This 24 hour shift starts off with one of the departments unsong heros, the men from the Fresno auto Shop who do not wait for a vehicle to come in for repair, they fix the problems and get the rigs back into service. Mario arrives at Staion 4 to take care of a problem. Station 4 has only had 4 firefighters on both the Tower Truck and USAR/ Rescue rig due to cut-backs. The Fire Chief Donis has changed all of that. The Engine Company is back and it's back to being the Big House in time.
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