Daddy's Girl Club
Drama unfolds as four women grapple with challenges anchored deep in unresolved issues from their relationships with their fathers.
Subtitles: English, English
Directed by:Phil Davis
Season 1
S01:E01 - Moving On
Scarlet comes to terms with Paunch getting serious with his new woman, Simone. Alex decides to get some help for her anger issues as Sierra faces backlash from her family.
S01:E02 - Aftermath
Years after her blow up with Ken, Tionna reflects and attempts to find love again. David and Sherilynn contemplate the future of their relationship after discussing with relatives.
S01:E03 - Revelations (Pt. 1)
Alex, after attending anger management reconvenes with Camille about her control issues. Scarlet attempts to have a talk with her dad that ends abruptly as usual.
S01:E04 - Revelations (Pt. 2)
Scarlet gets an unexpected visitor after reminiscing about her past. Sierra learns how her mother really feels about her breakup with Alex.
S01:E05 - Skeletons in the Closet
Tionna reflects on her past pain. Scarlet reveals some truths to her mother Maritza. David's actions are becoming too familiar to Sherilynn. Alex has a rough night.
S01:E06 - More Drama
Alex's past comes back to haunt her. Michael is starting to lose interest in Tionna. Scarlet's drinking gets the best of her. David is faced with a hard lesson in being on his own.
S01:E07 - Alex Effect
Alex reflects on her past and current situation during her therapy session with Camille.
S01:E08 - Deeply Scarred
Scarlet's childhood scars left her with wounds as an adult.
S01:E09 - Tionna
Michael's frustration with Tionna builds as Tionna reflects on the origin of her daddy issues.
S01:E10 - Sherilynn
Sherilynn's daddy issues are further revealed as David's money problems end up causing friction between him and Malik, leaving Sherilynn faced with a hard decision.
S01:E11 - Awkward
Michael and his family discuss his love life during the Bills game. Alex runs into Sierra's friend Dezma and things get awkward. Scarlet's long-time friend Alyssa comes to visit.
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