The Living Bible Collection
Amazing stories from the Bible come to life in this inspiring series, including the resurrection and other important events from the Old Testament.
Subtitles: English
Season 1
S01:E01 - Old Testament Series: Abraham, Man of Faith
Trusting in God's word, Abraham leaves his home and settles in a new land. After Isaac is born, God tests Abraham's faith by asking him to sacrifice Isaac.
S01:E02 - Old Testament Series: Jacob, Bearer of the Promise
By deceiving his father, Jacob receives the blessing of the first born. While escaping his brother, Esau's wrath, Jacob's dream assures him of God's love and protection.
S01:E03 - Old Testament Series: Joseph, the Young Man
After his brothers sell him into slavery, Joseph is imprisoned in Egypt. With God's help he explains Pharaoh's dream and is appointed governor of Egypt.
S01:E04 - Old Testament Series: Joseph, Ruler of Egypt
Joseph, who saves Egypt from famine, tests his brothers when they ask for grain. He reveals himself, sends for his family, and is reunited with his father, Jacob.
S01:E05 - Old Testament Series: Moses, Called by God
Episodes of Moses' life, from his narrow escape from death as a child to the crossing of the Red Sea. Other events depicted include God calling Moses, the plagues and Passover, and the flight from Egypt.
S01:E06 - Old Testament Series: Moses, Leader of God's People
An account of Moses leading the Israelites through the difficult journey to Canaan, The Ten Commandments, water from a rock, the golden calf, the building of the tabernacle, and the 40 years in the wilderness.
S01:E07 - Old Testament Series: Joshua, the Conqueror
When Joshua sends spies to Jericho, Rahab aids in their escape. The city is conquered and destroyed. Joshua cautions his people that the Promised Land will be lost if they abandon the Lord.
S01:E08 - Old Testament Series: Gideon, the Liberator
With an army limited by God to 300, Gideon drives the invading Midianites from Israel. Gideon reminds the people have been saved by God and that they should serve him faithfully.
S01:E09 - Old Testament Series: Ruth, a Faithful Woman
Ruth's faith in God and love for others, even in heathen Moab, provides a tender, beautiful account of the meaning of life.
S01:E10 - Old Testament Series: Samuel, a Dedicated Man
Samuel's boyhood in the tabernacle, his leadership of God's people, his life as a teacher of God's Word and his anointing of Saul, the first King of Israel.
S01:E11 - Old Testament Series: David, a Young Hero
David's youth highlighted by his anointing by Samuel, his battle with Goliath, his friendship with Jonathan, and the vengeful attempt on his life by Saul.
S01:E12 - Old Testament Series: David, King of Isreal
Devotion to his king and people, faith in God, a love of God's house, and a desire to honor God - all characterize David in the story of his rise to the throne of Israel.
S01:E13 - Old Testament Series: Solomon, a Man of Wisdom
Solomon asked God for Wisdom above all else. His great wealth and fame as a just and wise ruler brought many visitors, including the Queen of Sheba.
S01:E14 - Old Testament Series: Elijah, a Fearless Prophet
Elijah's encounter with Ahab and Jezebel, defeat of the priests of Baal, miracles in God's name, and exile in the wilderness depict his life of faithful devotion to God.
S01:E15 - Acts of the Apostles: Endued With Power
(Acts 1 5) Christ's promise of the Holy Spirit becomes a reality on Pentecost and empowers the disciples to preach salvation and win converts.
S01:E16 - Acts of the Apostles: A Faithful Witness
(Acts 4 -1 - 8 -40) Events from the early Christian movement highlighted by the selection and ordination of Stephen, Philip, and five other laymen.
S01:E17 - Acts of the Apostles: Light From Heaven
(Acts 7 -58 8 -3; 9 -1 30; 26 -1 32; 1 Timothy 1 -15 17) Saul leads a relentless campaign to wipe out Jesus' followers. On the road to Damascus, a vision transforms him into a powerful leader of the early church.
S01:E18 - Acts of the Apostles: Every Christian a Missionary
(Acts 8 13) Leaving Jerusalem, each apostle goes as a missionary and witness. The chief persecutor of Christians, Saul of Tarsus, now is 'a chosen vessel' of the Lord.
S01:E19 - Acts of the Apostles: What Must I Do to Be Saved?
(Acts 15 -4 16 -34; Ephesians 2 -8 9) The early events of Paul's second missionary journey being sent to Macedonia, preaching in Philippi, healing the slave girl, and leading the Philippian jailer to faith.
S01:E20 - Acts of the Apostles: Witness Before a King
(Acts 21 -35 26 -32) Paul's arrest at Jerusalem by the chief priests does not stop him from preaching Jesus Christ. He witnesses before Felix, then Festus, and finally, King Agrippa.
S01:E21 - Acts of the Apostles: No Respecter or Persons
(Acts 10 -1 11 -18; Romans 10 -12 13) The conversion of Cornelius and his household demonstrates the broadening scope of the Gospel as it is preached and lived by Christ's early followers.
S01:E22 - Acts of the Apostles: God's Care of His Own
(Acts 11 -19 12 -24; Romans 8 -35, 37 39) Despite persecution, Christianity spreads. James, brother of John, is martyred by Herod. Peter, imprisoned and awaiting the same fate, is miraculously released.
S01:E23 - Acts of the Apostles: Salvation and Christian Fellowship
(Acts 15 -1-35) God's plan for salvation, by grace through faith, is preached by Paul and Barnabas before the church leaders in Jerusalem. The Christian brotherhood is proclaimed.
S01:E24 - Acts of the Apostles: Triumphant
(Acts 28 -16-31; Ephesians 6 -10 17; Colossians 3, Philippians 3 -8 11, 4 -8 9; 2 Timothy 1 -9 12, 4 -1 8) The joyful, hopeful tone of Paul's letters from prison shows that the goodness of God in his life overshadows the evil. His second letter to Tim
S01:E25 - Jesus the Christ Series: The Birth and Childhood of Jesus
In this excellent dramatization an angel tells Mary she is to become the mother of a Savior. Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem where the baby Jesus is born in a stable. Other scenes include the presentation of Jesus at the temple, the visit from the Wis
S01:E26 - Jesus the Christ Series: A Voice in the Wilderness
In the wilderness near the Jordan River, John the Baptist preaches, 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!' Scenes include - the birth of John to Zacharias and Elizabeth; Jesus' baptism by John' John's imprisonment by Herod' Salome asking for the h
S01:E27 - Jesus the Christ Series: Jesus Calls His Disciples
Jesus invites John and Andrew to follow him. Simon also joins them and Jesus names him 'Peter, the rock.' Phillip and Nathaniel become disciples and on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus challenges four fishermen to become 'fishers of men.' At Caperna
S01:E28 - Jesus the Christ Series: Jesus Begins His Ministry
Jesus heals a man with an unclean spirit at the Capernaum synagogue. Later, Jesus cures Peter's mother-in-law, and soon crowds of sick and needy people travel to see the Master. Jesus returns to Nazareth and tells the people that the prophecy of Isaiah is
S01:E29 - Jesus the Christ Series: Jesus Heals the Sick
This film focuses on some of the more dramatic examples of Jesus' healing ministry. Scenes include - Jesus healing the man born blind at the Jerusalem temple' healing the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath; and bringing healing and wholene
S01:E30 - Jesus the Christ Series: Jesus, the Teacher
Jesus' ministry is explored, beginning with His teachings about forgiveness as He offers forgiveness to the woman who lived a sinful life and who washed His feet. Jesus challenges Peter to forgive 'seventy times seven.' Jesus' unorthodox teachings about t
S01:E31 - Jesus the Christ Series: Jesus, the Messiah
Scriptural accounts of how Jesus was revealed as God's Son, the Promised Savior, are dramatized. Peter makes his famous statement of faith, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.' Other scenes include the transfiguration, Jesus' confrontation wit
S01:E32 - Jesus the Christ Series: Jesus Goes to Jerusalem
Jesus turns toward Jerusalem for the last time. At Jericho Jesus gives sight to Bartimaeus and visits the home of Zacchaeus. Other scenes include - Jesus entering Jerusalem' Jesus and His disciples on the Mount of Olives' Jesus dining with His disciples' a
S01:E33 - Jesus the Christ Series: An Upper Room and a Garden
Jesus and his disciples eat the Passover meal in the upper room. Here Jesus predicts that one of the Twelve will betray Him. Following the Passover meal, Jesus leads His disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane, where He struggles in prayer. Judas leads the
S01:E34 - Jesus the Christ Series: Jesus' Trial
Jesus is first taken to Annas and his fellow priests, then to Caiaphas, the high priest. Finally Jesus is taken to Pilate, who cannot find any fault with Jesus. Herod returns Jesus to Pilate when he hears that Jesus is said to be 'king of the Jews,' a tre
S01:E35 - Jesus the Christ Series: Crucifixion of the Christ
Jesus and two thieves carry their crosses through the streets of Jerusalem to Golgotha. Simon of Cyrene is ordered to help carry Jesus' cross. At Golgotha, Jesus is crucified. The sky darkens and the earth shakes as Jesus cries out one last time and yield
S01:E36 - Jesus the Christ Series: The Risen Lord
The third day after His death, Jesus rises from the tomb. The risen Lord appears to Mary Magdalene, to the two followers on the road to Emmaus, and to the gathered disciples. Forty days after His resurrection, the Lord joins His disciples on the Mount of
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