Exposing a secret world of heroes and rogues, this series explores the motives and psychology of traitorous people from throughout history.
Season 1
S01:E01 - Gerald Bull: A Deal With The Devil
Dr. Gerald Vincent Bull was one of the worlds foremost experts on ballistics and weapons systems, until his lifeless body was discovered on the doorstep of his Brussels apartment. Prior to his murder, this Canadian scientist was contracted by the government of Saddam Hussein to build an extraordinary artillery piece known as the supergun. His assassination sparked a murder mystery that remains unsolved to this day. For the first time, intelligence operatives connected to the case, including Saddam Husseins spy chief, emerge from the shadows the shed light on the conflicting theories surrounding Gerald Bulls death. Was it the work of Israels legendary Mossad, bent on destroying a doomsday weapon that could unleash Armageddon, or a sinister American plot to silence a maverick who was about to reveal his secrets to the world?
S01:E02 - Karl Koecher: Stranger In A Strange Land
He was a linguist, a brilliant academic, and a master spy. She was a seductive blonde beauty, dressed in minks and diamonds. Karl Koecher is the only intelligence agent from the Soviet Bloc who succeeded in penetrating the CIA. He and his wife Hana spent twenty years leading a double life as sleepers, Soviet moles building up a carefully designed identity. They led another secret life, it seems, as swingers, trading partners and attending orgies in the swing clubs of Washington D.C and New York City. They may well have collected deeper secrets still from members of the American military who shared their beds. Koecher was suspected by both sides, betrayed and placed in mortal danger. We have exclusive interviews with Karl and Hana Koecher, Vladimir Kryuchkov, the former head of the KGB and Alexander Sokolov, the former head of Soviet Counterintelligence. They tell a story of cross and double-cross, secrets revealed, and of a terrifying brush with a full-scale nuclear war.
S01:E03 - Oswald Mosely: The English Furhur
Sir Oswald Mosley led the British Union of Fascists in the London of the dirty thirties. He moved easily among the rich and powerful of England. He was an inveterate womanizer and his affairs were the talk of London society. He stood on the podium in Rome beside Mussolini. Hitler attended his wedding in Berlin. He wore jackboots and gave the fascist salute. A compelling orator, Mosley drew thousands of adoring followers to the largest political rallies in England. He campaigned to dissolve Parliament and muzzle the press. He was an anti-Semite and his bullyboys, the Blackshirts, attacked anyone who disagreed. But was Sir Oswald Mosley a traitor? How deep was his involvement with Adolph Hitler? Recent revelations from British intelligence identify his financing sources and confirm for the first time on television that, at the outset of World War II, a right wing coup was being hatched in the heart of London. Only Winston Churchill and draconian war measures kept Mosley from his traitorous path. The Oswald Mo
S01:E04 - Mordechai Vanunu: Israels Nuclear Spy
Mordechai Vanunu is widely considered a hero by anti nuclear activists worldwide and a traitor by most Israelis. A former technician in Israels top-secret nuclear facility, Vanunu revealed to the world details about Israels suspected nuclear weapons program. With their most closely guarded secret exposed to the world, government officials called in the Mossad, Israels legendary secret service. In a classic honey-trap operation, the Mossad enlisted the services of a mysterious American operative known as Cindy. Using her seductive powers of persuasion, Cindy lured Vanunu to Roe, where he was abducted and smuggled back to Israel. Vanunu faced charges of treason and espionage, which resulted in one of the most bizarre and secretive trials in Israeli history. The verdict, eighteen years in jail, eleven of which were spent in solitary confinement, was as controversial then as it is today. Was Mordechai Vanunu a ruthless traitor who sold his nations secrets for personal gain or a heroic whistle blower who exposed I
S01:E05 - Aldrich Ames: A Spy Like Us
Aldrich Ames was probably the most damaging mole in CIA history. In 1985, he single handedly shut down the CIAs eyes and ears behind the Iron Curtain by revealing to the KGB the name of every human asset that was secretly spying for the West. At least 10 agents were executed, and dozens were condemned to harsh prison sentences in the Soviet gulag. In return for his loyalty, the KGB gave Ames $2,7 million and promised him another $1.9 million.
S01:E06 - Edwin Wilson: A Case of Reasonable Doubt
Ed Wilson was Washingtons answer to the Great Gatsby. On his 2,500-acre farm, he hosted afternoon BBQs and swanky evening parties for senators, congressman, admirals, generals and CIA officers. His neighbours were Sen, John Walker and Elizabeth Taylor. He always flew firs-class to his apartment in Geneva, hunting lodge in England and seaside villa in Libya. But behind Wilsons charming exterior lay a man deep in the world of illicit arms smuggling and international mercenaries.
S01:E07 - George Blake: Master Of Deception
George Blake was born in Holland on November 11, 1922. During WWII he escaped to England and joined British Naval Intelligence. By the end of the war, Blake was recruited by M16. Britains legendary spy service. While on assignment in Korea, the Korean War broke out and Blake was taken prisoner by the Communist invaders.
S01:E08 - Jonathan Pollard: American Fall Guy?
For over a year and a half Jonathan Jay Pollard, a Jewish American Naval Intelligence Analyst, passed volumes of classified information to the State of Israel. When Pollards betrayal was exposed, it created a firestorm of controversy and tension between Washington and Tel Aviv why would Israel spy on the United States, its greatest supporter?
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