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S01:E12 - New Orleans

Travel Sick

Season 1 Episode 12 - New Orleans

2002 · 25 min
Unleashing Grub into a world of necrophilia, voodoo and Jazz with a side order of man-eating alligators. Luckily Bourbon street is packed with curvaceous beauties who will jiggle their naked bosoms at those who survive the perils of the swamp. The five gumbo flavoured challenges are:1 Arm wrestle an Alligator, Little stubby arms, should be no problem. The alligator's arms are even littler. The problem lies in the rest of the beast with it's big smiley mouth ready to chomp up the nearest TV presenter. 2 Kiss a Corpse, Canoodling with a cadaver, even after a few drinks is going to be tricky. Time to enlist the aid of world famous necrophiliac Leila Wendell and bust open some graves. Does Grub get a stiffy? Watch and learn. 3 Yomp out of the Swamp, So you're up to your neck in oozy black mud and swamp water there are man-eating alligators on the loose, poisonous snakes and no choice but to keep going. Grub suavely lights up a fag and takes the biggest risk of the series. 4 Regain your Virginity, Born again Chris
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