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S02:E05 - Papua New Guinea

Travel Sick

Season 2 Episode 5 - Papua New Guinea

2004 · 24 min
Become a warrior:Grub must become a warrior in the traditional fashion, killing a bird of paradise and making a head-dress out of it.Tattoo a local:Grub has to make his mark on a local woman using their tools of charcoal and a lemon tree thorn.Serve an in-flight meal:Grub has to serve a meal in a plane - any plane he can find!Become a buffet for bats:Grub must try to persuade the bats living in PNG's notorious bat caves to eat off him.Eat a penis sundae:Grub has to eat an ice-cream sundae out of the penis gourd of a tribal elder called Wooka.Forfeit, De-louse a local:De-louse a local in the traditional fashion - using his teeth
S02:E05 - Papua New Guinea
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