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S02:E07 - Peru

Travel Sick

Season 2 Episode 7 - Peru

2004 · 25 min
Paint a picture of God:Grub had to see god and paint a picture of him, by taking ayahuasca, a local herbal hallucinogen made from vines.Get attacked by piranhas:Grub gets attacked by piranhitos (small piranhas) which are notorious street kids who have a reputation for attacking tourists in a huge swarm and stripping them of all their possessions. Grub dresses up like a typical tourist and walks through the area where all the attacks happen. Beat an Indian at darts:Grub plays an Indian in a traditional Bullseye style darts game, but Grub is using normal darts and the Indian is using a pipe and blow darts. Get cured by guinea pig:Grub has to get an ailment cured by a curandero using a Guinea Pig.Make crocodile shoes:Grub goes out with a caiman guy and pulls baby caimans out of the water in the Amazon.Forfeit,Drink Mansanto
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