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S02:E11 - The Netherlands

Travel Sick

Season 2 Episode 11 - The Netherlands

2004 · 26 min
Get the ultimate head spin:Grub has to smoke some of the strongest marijuana in the Netherlands, then get attached to the turning sails of a windmill.Impregnate a cow:Grub has to collect a bull's semen, then put it into a cow.Pole-jump a canal:In traditional Dutch fashion, Grub has to cross a canal using a pole.Have a 10,000 dump:Grub has to demonstrate the workings of the human digestive system, and the hardiness of a diamond by eating a 10,000 diamond, and allowing it to pass through his body unharmed.Break the land cheese speed record:Using a car with wheels made of Edam, grub must break the record rolling down a hill - not easy to find in Holland.Forfeit, Have a bull jizz shampoo:Grub has to wash his hair with the semen collected in the earlier challenge.
S02:E11 - The Netherlands
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