Whacked Out Sports
Season 1 Episode 10 - Episode 10
A face full of fence, real life crash test dummies, tree huggers unite, bombshells go for the bomb and friends under the influence.
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
Starring:Tom Gottlieb
Directed by:Missy Hughes
Season 1
S01:E01 - Episode 1
Thank you for not puking, it’s net zero for this tennis ace, eating out the hard way, catfish nibbling on hillbillies and it’s a bad jump for the mullet chump.
S01:E02 - Episode 2
Flying cars, the annual running of the humans, Olympic events that didn’t make it and how not to hang glide indoors.
S01:E03 - Episode 3
Extreme Ironing, waterskiing horses, foam sushi fighting, bull poker and the Whacked Out Sportsman of the Week.
S01:E04 - Episode 4
Leaping bulls, fireball soccer, terror at the track for one picture taker and hang gliding that has gone to the dogs!
S01:E05 - Episode 5
Bikini skiers, a major league meltdown, a sport that’s a snap, and a visit to our freaky fan hall of fame.
S01:E06 - Episode 6
How to pack yourself into a suitcase, different spokes for different folks, a trip to the Redneck Olympics and The Whacked Out new sport of Air Guitar.
S01:E07 - Episode 7
Couch potatoes out of control, who says soccer isn’t violent? A bull turns a guy into hamburger, meet Mr. Backwards and the new sport of Pole Dancing.
S01:E08 - Episode 8
Life on the skids, a bull gets a belly rub, the girls of the bikini bowling tour, the battle of the oranges, and be up close and personal in the best car flip ever!
S01:E09 - Episode 9
Soccer fans out of control, revenge of the nerd, floatie boxing and the car cata- pult.
S01:E10 - Episode 10
A face full of fence, real life crash test dummies, tree huggers unite, bombshells go for the bomb and friends under the influence.
S01:E11 - Episode 11
A reporter gets Donkey Konged! The worst case of road rage ever! Real life wedding crashers and women in bikinis horse around at the racetrack.
S01:E12 - Episode 12
Strip tease aerobics, a big case of “ouch” for one BMX rider, revenge of the gi- ant snowball, hot feet t and parallel parking Colorado style.
S01:E13 - Episode 13
Boxing rings are confusing, pull my finger please? Mellow surfers who aren’t so mellow, and why girls like Big Wheels.
S01:E14 - Episode 14
Bikini Barrel racing, meet the dancing soccer referee, motorball madness and Adventures in Tuna Tossing?
S01:E15 - Episode 15
Bikini skiing, when dirt bikes collide, tumbling that can kill you and thinking inside the exploding box?
S01:E16 - Episode 16
Bedlam in the bullring, martial arts with fire, killer car crashes, the kissing mara- thon and Limbo skating.
S01:E17 - Episode 17
Hang gliding inside, women who are koo-koo for coconuts, the mother of all dumpster divers and the finer points of fireball soccer.
S01:E18 - Episode 18
Skydiving river rafts, commando golfers, a guy who calls himself the human catapult and the Tour De Farse?
S01:E19 - Episode 19
Cave dwellers unite, trailer trashing, flipping for car racing and a guy who is Dung Ho for just about anything!
S01:E20 - Episode 20
Meet the catapulting cutie, horseracing hotties, ladies make it a “snap” at the mall and Underwater Hockey in Olympic Events that never made it.
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