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S01:E07 - New Born

Orphans of the Wild

Season 1 Episode 7 - New Born

2011 · 27 min
We meet Nicklai, Rudie and Marlices five month-old son. Zacheo now goes to school in Windhoek and goes there by bus. Umbili and Shakira have grown quite a bit and were moved to a bigger enclosure, Marlice still feeds them daily before checking up on the wild dogs. The pack is now nearly fully grown - one has a snakebite wound that is not healing and Marlice decides what to do. The meerkats now also have a litter of eleven and encounter a pufadder at the enclosures - Frank and Violet teaches their offspring how to handle the situation. Marlice checks in with the baby baboons where Shona has taken over leadership. After school Zacheo helps with little tasks like feeding the poultry then he helps Marlice to introduce Nicklai to the baby baboons. Umbili has become to dangerous to take for walks, but Marlice and Rudie still take Shakira out for walks - but not for long.
Directed by:Werner Hefer
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