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S01:E09 - The Storms

Gordon the Garden Gnome

Season 1 Episode 9 - The Storms

2004 · 12 min
A storm brings big changes to Rosie Gnome's wood. A fun day at the 'Play Tree' in Rosie's wood is spoilt by news that a storm is on the way and the Gnomes have to return home to protect their gardens. Percy ties umbrellas to his trees, Jerome fixes his lose plank and Gordon, helped by Rosie, ties tall plants to sticks to stop them snapping in the wind. When the storm has passed, Gordon emerges to inspect the damage. Not so bad in his garden, but in Rosie's wood the Play Tree has been blown down. The Gnomes are upset at the loss of their treasured tree, until Gordon has the idea to make it live on in other ways. They'll use the wood to repair the storm damage and create a new adventure playground.
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