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S01:E08 - Episode 8

In Your Dreams

Season 1 Episode 8 - Episode 8

2012 · 26 min
Ben is happy to find himself befriended by a group of boys at the local school. What Ben doesn’t know however, is that one of the boys is from a family that has been in conflict with the von Hasenburgs for many years. Unwittingly, Ben allows himself to become a dupe for his new found ‘friend’ and is encouraged to take part in what he thinks is a simple end of term prank. But in the small town culture of a foreign country where he’s completely ignorant of local rivalries and politics, he doesn’t anticipate the full ramifications of what appears to him as just a bit of fun. As it turns out, the prank he’s encouraged to play turns out to be a major slight on the von Hasenburg family and subjects them to ridicule in the town. Ben is extremely upset that he’s unwittingly caused his hosts such acute embarrassment and realises he has to do something to right the wrong he’s brought about. But how does a naïve young Australian teenager make amends for a major and very public gaffe he’s caused in a culture he doesn’t really know?
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