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S01:E21 - Mrs Fox’s Wedding

Kingdom of Paramithi

Season 1 Episode 21 - Mrs Fox’s Wedding

2008 · 32 min
The King and Queen present the Medal of Paramithi to Gabrielle, who helps her family by weeding the garden. The Paramithi Dance Troupe performs ballet then James suggests that the King and Queen go to the library to see what story is in the Paramithi Storybook. They find that it is Mrs Fox’s Wedding. The King suggests that James and Genevieve produce the story as a show, so Genevieve begins with the costumes and props, while James looks for a cast. But James finds that he is missing someone to play one of the suitors. Luckily the King decides to step in and help them out and performs as a lion. Mrs Fox’s Wedding gets a great reception! Then King John takes Queen Isabella’s hand and they dance together in the royal throne room.
S01:E21 - Mrs Fox’s Wedding
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