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S01:E06 - The Case of the Shoe

Exhibit A: Secrets of Forensic Science

Season 1 Episode 6 - The Case of the Shoe

23 minSubtitles Icon
It happened on a native reserve in Southern Ontario. That's where two masked men broke into a house in the middle of the night. Living there were a husband and wife who owned a profitable gas station/restaurant. When their demands for money aren't complied to quickly enough, the masked men open fire, grab the money and flee. By the time ambulance crews take the man to hospital, the crime scene is so trampled and smudged that the only uncontaminated clue is a sneaker print in the snow. Jim Eadie, an OPP forensic identification officer and a leading expert on footprints, makes a plaster mold of the sneaker print in the snow. But with running shoes such a popular choice and with the overwhelming number of brands on the market, can the expert pinpoint this particular print in a "haystack" of running shoes? With the help of a forensic biologist and a firearms expert, see how police are able to stop the killers cold in their tracks.
Subtitles: English
S01:E06 - The Case of the Shoe
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