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S03:E16 - Storm Chaser

Rescue Special Operations

Season 3 Episode 16 - Storm Chaser

2011 · 45 min
Wind buffets the Patrol as Heidi and Jordan race to rescue a Storm Chaser, Ed, trapped in his upturned car. The wind hampers their rescue and threatens to send the car over a cliff. Meanwhile Michelle monitors an approaching storm cell on her computer while the rest of the crew, including Vince and Lachie, hurry to assist Heidi and Jordan. Michelle hears the roaring wind through her radio as the storm hits. Then the radio goes dead. The second Patrol and Rescue Truck avoid the worst of the storm but soon discover its devastation. They come across a small caravan park that’s been totally obliterated. Dean, Chase and Lara stay to help while Vince and Lachie go in search of Heidi and Jordan. Inside one of the crushed vans Lara discovers a woman, Annie, trapped. To complicate matters she’s eight months pregnant. While Dean, Chase and Lara work to free Annie, Heidi’s facing a battle of her own. A tree has come down on Ed’S car and Jordan has disappeared. She finally finds him in a perilous situation. Although she manages to save him the fear she feels in those minutes never leaves her. Together Heidi and Jordan free Ed from his car moments before it tumbles over a cliff. Ed reveals the storm they had was actually a powerful tornado. Ed’s enthusiasm fades when he learns of the devastation at the caravan park. The crew discover the trapped woman is his girlfriend. For the first time Ed experiences the personal impact of the storms he chases, but this is nothing compared to the secret Annie reveals to him. Having lost radio contact with her entire crew Michelle battles bureaucracy, putting her career on the line to have an Ambulance sent to their vicinity. It’s a gamble that pays off and helps save a life. After discovering she has a child Dean is questioning his relationship with Zoe. Through counselling Annie and delivering her child he decides it’s time he and Zoe talked. Vince joins the team to assess Lachie. He surprises Vince with some technical skills he picked up in the army. In the end Vince admits he’s done alright.
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