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S01:E10 - Flying Leathernecks

Wings of Destruction

Season 1 Episode 10 - Flying Leathernecks

29 min
The first Marine jet squadron came in November 1947 when VMF-122 fielded the FH Phantom, and later VMF-311 would be the first Marine jet squadron to be used in combat providing close air support for the Marines and soldiers on the ground. By the end of the Vietnam War, the Marine Air-Ground Task Force had grown dependent on its multi-mission inventory of fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, which could operate from land or sea bases to support Marines on the ground. Today, Marine aviation is organized to support the Marine Air-Ground Task Force, as the aviation combat element, providing assault support, electronic warfare, control of aircraft and missiles, and aerial reconnaissance.
S01:E10 - Flying Leathernecks
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