Season 4 Episode 20 - Punches and Paddles
Ambusher becomes ambushee as the Tobots turn Mr. Majeeko's surprise attack on its head, driving him back off the shore. Mr. Towers puts Diluk back in charge, who tries to lower the team's morale by teasing them with their favorite foods. Diluk attempts to cross the divide via catapult. He spots Dr. Glare destroying Mr. Towers' drone, and kidnaps her. The pilots integrate Giga Seven for the first time, and vanquish the army of Hounderbots.
Subtitles: English
Season 4
S04:E01 - Suped Up Side Kicks
A new Tobot pilot arrives in Daedo and saves the day. As Dr. Noh works on a his latest invention, an old friend of Franklin's and Limo's shows up in town. Diluk is tasked with grueling physical work under his new employer, Mr. Holmes. Mr. Towers begins to execute his master plan in Daedo City. Diluk encounters an old villainous colleague.
S04:E02 - Digging in Daedo
The Tobots receive some new martial arts training from Tobot K. Diluk recruits Angela to come and work for Mr. Towers alongside him. Team Tobot tries to solve the mystery of Coach Kook's family tree as Liam becomes closer with the pilots. Diluk laments his bad luck and fantasizes about finding Mr. Holmes again. Angela showcases her latest evil creation to Mr. Towers. Ryan and Kory struggle to find ways to tell Liam his snoring is unbearable. Sinkholes begin appearing all around Daedo, causing panic and mayhem on the streets.
S04:E03 - Fired Up, Tired Out
Ryan and Kory continue to have trouble sleeping due to Liam's incessant snoring. They struggle to find a respectful way to confront him. Diluk's frustration grows as Mr. Majeeko torments him with menial tasks. Angela gives Diluk some helpful advice to turn his luck around. More mysterious sinkholes appear across town, which causes a building to collapse. Tensions begin to bubble over at the Char's residence after Liam is unable to stop his snoring. Diluk works on a list of skills in order to impress Mr. Towers.
S04:E04 - Experts and Excavations
Diluk is recognized by Mr. Towers and earns the respect he desperately craves. With the shoe on the other foot, Mr. Majeeko starts to become frustrated with his villainous employer. Liam confides his problems with the twins to Dylan and is invited to sleep over at Dylan's home instead. Team Tobot brainstorms what the cause of the sinkholes could be. The tension between the pilots and Liam keeps mounting. Tobot K confronts the other Tobots about the way the pilots have been treating Liam. Diluk stumbles across a jackpot. Coach Kook takes the sinkhole investigation into his own hands.
S04:E05 - Revved Up Rivals
Liam is unable to find a solution to his snoring and considers leaving Daedo and returning home. Mr. Towers is eager to continue excavating, but Diluk's in a creative mood and tricks Mr. Towers into buying film making equipment under the guise of "extra security". Mr. Majeeko smells something fishy and takes the Excabot in an attempt to impress Mr. Towers. Dr. Noh, Coach Kook and Liam detect the Excabot underground and force it to surface, resulting in a heated battle between Tobot K and the Excabot. Mr. Towers discovers Mr. Majeeko's whereabouts and orders him to retreat immediately. Mr. Majeeko continues to fall out of Mr. Towers' good graces while Diluk rises through the company ranks. In their frustration, Ryan and Kory accuse Liam of being a show-off for not calling for backup sooner. Liam's popularity with the rest of the pilots doesn't sit well with the twins. Coach Kook experiences similar conflict with Franklin and Limo. The two engineers are hesitant to listen to Coach Kook's hunches about the villains behind the sinkholes, resulting in Coach Kook declaring he'll enter one of the sinkholes alone.
S04:E06 - Dump Truck Drama
Coach Kook is face-to-face with Diluk and the Excabot underground when Liam and Tobot K arrive just in time. The Excabot is able to use some of Angela's latest tricks to overpower Tobot K, but is stopped by the arrival of the rest of the Tobot team. Diluk and his Bikerbots manage a narrow escape. Ryan and Kory continue to make Liam a scapegoat for their problems, further straining the relationship between them and the new pilot. Liam approaches Dr. Noh to stay with him as even Dylan becomes irritated with his chronic snoring. Mr. Towers becomes more powerful as Angela continues to add Excabots to his fleet of underground tunnelers. Mr. Majeeko does his best to expose the disdain Angela and Diluk feel towards Mr. Towers but only manages to make his situation even worse. Franklin and Limo narrow in on the location of the villain's underground headquarters and Team Tobot splits up in an attempt to locate the subterranean base. Diluk discovers some letters written by Mr. Holmes, offering guidance and advice. Diluk vows to make his old mentor proud and swears he'll find him again one day.
S04:E07 - Tunnel Teamwork
Team Tobot enters the underground network dug by the villains and try to locate Liam. Kory's disdain for Liam starts to boil over and when the two are paired together they exchange heated words and separate. Mr. Towers and Mr. Majeeko take advantage of the moment after the pair split up and manage to corner Kory and Tobot Y. Meanwhile, Ryan and Dylan are trapped in a continuous loop underground. The entire team realizes that they need to work together and be unified in order to find the villains and stop them. A big battle breaks out between Deltatron and a five-part Excabot integration.
S04:E08 - Rescuing Radar
With the mighty Excabot defeated, Mr. Towers triggers a self-destruct sequence on his underground operation. The Tobots and their pilots are forced to make a daring escape before the tunnels collapse. After the intense battle, the pilots feel much closer to Liam and are sad to hear that he and his father are leaving town. Mr. Towers fumes over his defeat and is further angered when he's disciplined by the Chairman of the company. Mr. Towers and Mr. Majeeko move their operations to a remote village outside of Daedo. Diluk on the otherhand is on his new mission to locate Mr. Holmes. Dr. Noh takes a relaxing trip to the countryside to do some fishing with an old friend when they discover major pollutants in the water and decide to investigate further. The villains set about gaining favor amongst the villagers so they can get permission to expand their factory and dump even more waste into the river.
S04:E09 - Riders and Outsiders
Team Tobot enjoys the momentary peace in Daedo while Dr. Noh continues to investigate the source of the water pollution. Mr. Towers and Mr. Majeeko are alerted to Dr. Noh's prescense and launch an attack to capture him and the Puppybase. Noah offers Dr. Noh some help and together they hide from the villain's Purplebots while waiting for backup. Team Tobot arrives in the countryside and begins searching for Dr. Noh and Puppybase. They encounter the Purplebots and successfully rescue Dr. Noh. Mr. Towers begins the construction of yet another evil contraption.
S04:E10 - Beats and Battles
Team Tobot returns to the campsite with Dr. Noh and Noah. Noah parts ways with the Tobots, promising to see them the following morning. Diluk is hard at work on a farm nearby, doing hard labor in exchange for Mrs. Holmes' home address. Kory and Tobot Y take to the skies to investigate Dr. Noh's claims that the water pollution is stemming from the nearby factory. They're met by a handful of Purplebots and are forced to retreat. Team Tobot is now fully involved in the suspicious activities going on in the countryside. The villains begin attacking the Tobots in creative ways and it results in the villagers blaming the Tobots for the damage done to their crops and fields. The pilots and their Tobots are heavily mistrusted by the villagers. The Tobots are eventually banned from entering the village at all. Frustrated with their poor reception, Team Tobot brainstorms how to regain the villagers favor. Noah proposes that they start offering to help around the village to earn the people's trust.
S04:E11 - Traps and Transformations
Diluk and the Bikerbots begin working for Cheryl Holmes, and in exchange she allows them to stay at her house while they wait for Mr. Holmes. Meanwhile, the Tobot pilots attempt to win back the hearts of the villagers by volunteering around town, much to the irritation of Mr. Towers, who has been given the go-ahead to double the expansion of his factory. Mr. Majeeko is sent to scare off Paxton and Noah, but their loyalty doesn't waver. The pair become the newest additions to the Pilot team. However, Noah's desire for revenge begins to affect his mind core.
S04:E12 - Reverse Revenge
Noticing that the Tobots are regaining favor with the locals, Mr. Majeeko sends Forkbot to interfere, but is tricked into making them look ever better. Diluk notices Mr. Majeeko and Mr. Towers, but avoids getting involved. Mr. Cobbs invites Diluk to join his farming club. That night, Mr. Towers enacts a plan to deprive the Tobot camp of sleep. Paxton raises his mindcore with positivity, but Noah's grudge continues to corrupt his own mind core. When they transform Tobots V and T for the first time, the effects of Tobot T's negative upbringing become clear.
S04:E13 - Off Road Offense
Dr. Noh removes T's mindcore from the vehicle and gives it back to Noah to re-train. Mr. Cobbs renews his proposal to Diluk, who eventually agrees to join the club. With Noah and Paxton as Pilots, Mr. Towers is struggling to keep the Tobots out of the village. After Cheryl Holmes' brother turns out to be the wrong man, Diluk agrees to work for Mr. Towers in exchange for information about the real Mr. Holmes, and lures Noah out of the village. The Tobots are allowed to enter nonetheless, to help two farmers build greenhouses.
S04:E14 - Off Road, Off Key
The Pilots have a run-in with Diluk after he sabotages the greenhouse they built, making the Tobots look unreliable. Using his sway at the farming club, Diluk bans the Tobots from the village all over again. The team realizes that their only way to access the factory is to win the local singing contest. To foil their plan, Mr. Towers enters Diluk and Mr. Majeeko in the contest, and sends bots to disrupt the Tobots' rehearsals. Competition day rolls around, and though Angela and Mr. Towers give an impressive performance, the Tobots and their Pilots end up stealing the show and the hearts of the audience.
S04:E15 - Guardians and Guard Rails
The Tobot team goes to claim their tour of the factory. Mr. Towers sends his bots to wreak havoc for the villagers and stall the Tobots long enough for BulldozerBot to be completed. Their new opponent proves to be tougher than they'd imagined but with the help of D, a newly re-programmed T and the angry villagers, the Tobots defeat BulldozerBot. Mr. Towers, Mr. Majeeko and Diluk are arrested, and the Pilots start repairing the natural landscape.
S04:E16 - Brake Pedal Break-Out
The Tobots and their Pilots are learning to love the farming lifestyle. In prison, Mr. Towers receives a letter of dismissal from the Chairman, sending him on the warpath for revenge. He also intercepts a letter from Mr. Holmes addressed to Diluk, containing a secret phone number. Mr. Towers promises Diluk access to these digits on the condition of his assistance. With the help of a new friend, Diluk, Mr. Towers and Mr. Majeeko manage to escape and meet up with Angela, who equips them with Boxerbots. Officer Oh and Neon set off in pursuit of the fugitives.
S04:E17 - Chase and Trace
Mr. Towers and Mr. Majeeko are locked in a car-chase with Officer Oh and Neon, but manage to escape thanks to Diluk. The news of the break-out reaches the Chairman as well as Team Tobot. Dr. Noh instructs them to split up and cover all roads to the factory, but the groups are distracted by the decoy landslide Diluk sets off. Mr. Towers, Diluk and Mr. Majeeko succeed in infiltrating the Chairman's hideout. Mr. Towers makes a deal with Dr. M, promising to destroy the Tobots if he is put in charge. Diluk runs into the police officer who arrested him ealier.
S04:E18 - Shocks and Showdowns
Diluk and Mr. Majeeko lure the Tobots and their Pilots to their headquarters. Mr. Towers activates the powerful FortressBot, and though the Tobots make an admirable attempt, it proves too strong even for Deltatron. Just when it's starting to look like the end for the Tobots, Limo and Dr. Noh arrive and order the kids to retreat. Mr. Towers sends Diluk and Mr. Majeeko off with the Hounderbots to catch them.
S04:E19 - Drawbridge Drama
The Tobots are in poor condition after their battle. Dr. Noh leads the team to an island research lab run by his friend. The weary Tobots are forced to keep fighting when the bridge refuses to retract. With no other option Dr. Noh destroys the bridge, keeping Diluk away but stranding Team Tobot on the island. Dr. Noh's friend Dr. Shade shows the Pilots his plan to integrate all the Tobots. Diluk fails to cross the bridge and Mr. Majeeko is put in charge. The Tobots are completely repaired except for Y's propellers, and the villains launch an ambush by water.
S04:E20 - Punches and Paddles
Ambusher becomes ambushee as the Tobots turn Mr. Majeeko's surprise attack on its head, driving him back off the shore. Mr. Towers puts Diluk back in charge, who tries to lower the team's morale by teasing them with their favorite foods. Diluk attempts to cross the divide via catapult. He spots Dr. Glare destroying Mr. Towers' drone, and kidnaps her. The pilots integrate Giga Seven for the first time, and vanquish the army of Hounderbots.
S04:E21 - Homesick Highway
Y's propellers are fixed using the remnants of a drone. Team Tobot embarks on a rescue mission for Dr. Glare. Diluk fruitlessly attempts to contact Mr. Holmes. The Pilots form Tobot Giga again, but they're so shaken from their previous failure that his power levels haven't regenerated. FortressBot bests Giga, and the team is forced to separate and retreat. Mr. Towers offers them Dr. Glare in exchange for the Tobots. The Pilots are distraught, but recover after calling home and start planning how to save Dr. Glare.
S04:E22 - Giga Bytes Back
Using an elaborate dance routine to distract the villains, Y and D sneak into the fortress and free Dr. Glare. Mr. Towers eventually realizes he's being tricked and sends Mr. Majeeko after Y and D, who escape. The Pilots form Tobot Giga one last time and destroy FortressBot. Dr. M revokes all power from Mr. Towers, who tries to attack Chairman Wang in a fit of fury. Mr. Holmes reunites with Diluk and then defeats Mr. Towers, leaving him and Mr. Majeeko to be arrested. Team Tobot makes up with Dr. Glare and celebrates their victory.
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