Mike the Knight
Season 5 Episode 8 - Mike the Knight and Super Trike/Mike the Knight and Night-Time Flight
Mike rescues Mr. Cuddles when Evie's spell goes wrong, but Peter wants to be a hero too.
Subtitles: English
Season 5
S05:E01 - Mike the Knight and the Great Tug of War/Mike the Knight and the Super-Fast Sleigh Ride
Mike wants an extra horse and some help to beat the King in a sleigh race. Then, Mike tests his tug-of-war team's strength against the biggest and strongest Vikings.
S05:E02 - Mike the Knight and the Fire Bird/Mike the Knight and the King's Banquet
Mike learns the importance of teamwork when he sets out to see the legendary Fire Bird.
S05:E03 - Mike the Knight and the Great Exploration/Mike the Knight and the Father's Day Gift
Mike wants to explore undiscovered places, but that quickly proves to be a challenge!
S05:E04 - Mike the Knight and the Christmas Star
Mike sets out on a mission to find a new Christmas star for Santa's sleigh.
S05:E05 - Mike the Knight and the Marvellous Machine/Mike the Knight and Evie's Rescue Spell
Mike sets out on a mission to fly the King's half-built flying machine.
S05:E06 - Mike the Knight and the Stolen Flag/Mike the Knight and Sparkie's Icy Tail
Mike is on a mission to recapture the castle's flag from the mischievous Vikings.
S05:E07 - Mike the Knight and the Beast of Glendragon/Mike the Knight and the Viking Alarm
Mike is on a mission to find the legendary Beast of Glendragon.
S05:E08 - Mike the Knight and Super Trike/Mike the Knight and Night-Time Flight
Mike rescues Mr. Cuddles when Evie's spell goes wrong, but Peter wants to be a hero too.
S05:E09 - Mike the Knight and the Golden Arrow/Mike the Knight and the Triple Twist
Mike is on a mission to be the first to find the King's golden arrow, but he ends up needing it to save a friend.
S05:E10 - Mike the Knight and Bad Weather Box / Mike the Knight and Great Wizard Contest
Mike is on a mission to get the Bad Weather Box back to the Great Waldorfini after Edward steals it and creates some stormy skies.
S05:E11 - Mike the Knight and Magical Wish Tree/Mike the Knight and Evie's Froggy Day
Mike makes sure everyone's wishes hang on the Magical Wish Tree, but Edward hatches a plan so only his wish is granted.
S05:E12 - Mike the Knight and Evie and Sir Gargoyle/Mike the Knight and Evie and the Runway Scooter
Mike must save Gargoyle from the clutches of Edward and return him to Evie.
S05:E13 - Mike the Knight and Evie and the Missing Queen/Mike the Knight and Evie and the Magical Challenge
Evie's magic may have made the Queen disappear, so she goes on a mission to rescue her mother.
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