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S01:E20 - Episode 20

Idiot TV

Season 1 Episode 20 - Episode 20

2016 · 24 min
Idiot TV is here to put the world’s wackiest wallies on the greatest stage of all. Once upon a time, the family camcorder was the only way to capture idiocy at large. But thanks to 21st century tech such as smart phones, dash cams, GoPros and CCTV, there is no hiding place for stupidity! This fantastic final episode of the debut season is bursting at the seams with people doing ridiculous stuff. We have collated all the very best falls, faults and fails into one convenient catalogue of calamity, using slow motion, rewinds and close ups to allow you to enjoy the nonsensical action even more! Keeping silly people safe on the street is a tricky job. Some things are simply impossible to make idiot proof – and we can show you what they are! Our Guide to Health and Safety shows you what not to do to avoid injury. And it turns out that even the animal kingdom is brimming with idiotic behavior! Who knew? Never let it be said this is a low brow show. We’ve invited Radio Bore’s Ryan Sewer to bring us the very best words he knows, assembled in poetry form. DJ Steve returns for his last booking of the season, flip-reversing a real head banger. And our Lonely Hearts team do what they can to try and find a rare breed of person: one who might be interested in dating a clown. This particular clown knows every trick in the book… although no one’s sure how such a terrible book ever made publication. In the sport, Tristam Ponsonby Crumm enjoys our diving championship perhaps a little too much. And we finish with an ode to the very best idiots from this debut season. All this plus silly sausages, helmet hilarity and dodgy dancing. It’s an episode you really don’t want to miss! Tune in and enjoy, but if you value your health, never copy anything you see on Idiot TV. Ever.
Starring:Chris Barrie
Directed by:Sarah Buckenham
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