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S01:E03 - Clumsy Hockey Player

Thorny and Friends

Season 1 Episode 3 - Clumsy Hockey Player

2018 · 25 minSubtitles Icon
Children decided to play hockey. They split into two teams and the game began. The team of Ben and Sid were losing and they decided to cheat. They glued a magnet to their hockey stick. Who won in that game? , Children woke up, and decided to go skating with friends, because the weather was great. Peggy and Thorny were skating well, but Ben and Side falled constantly. Suddenly, somebody started to throw snow at them. Who is it?, It was winter competitions. Children trew snow in the target, went down from the mountain on sleds, and went skiing. It was very exciting! At the end of those competitions every hedgehog got a prize!, Children were throwing snowballs, when their mothers came, and suggested to make a snowman competition. Thorny made a robot-snowman that threw snowballs at hedgehogs. It was very funny!, Children were waiting for Santa Claus, but he was detained. Peggy thought that Santa Claus got stuck in a tree, and dropped all their presents. Hedgehogs found that idea very funny, but what if it was true and Santa Claus needed their help? , Thorny woke up at morning, and decided to find his parents. He searched the whole house, but found nobody. The he came out, and saw his parents, but they were frozen. What's happened?, Children were making snow castles, and decided to make competitions. They turned into knights, split into two teams, and began to attack castles. And then, the impossible happened!, Father of Thorny was going home, but his car got snowed in. Children tried to call their father, but his phone wasn't available. They were so worried! Thorny decided to send a helicopter to melt snow and free his father.
Subtitles: English
Directed by:Kormchenko Ninna
S01:E03 - Clumsy Hockey Player
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