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S01:E06 - Chasing the Baby

Thorny and Friends

Season 1 Episode 6 - Chasing the Baby

2018 · 25 minSubtitles Icon
The family of Thorny went on a picnic. Mother asked children to look after Junior and Thorny decided to make a pacifier with tracker to always know his location. But even with the tracker Junior managed to escape!, Sid and Thorny decided to divi into a lake in diving suits. Thorny l put on his diving suit and went down onto l he met a real mermaid. Thorny came back to the boat to tell about it to Sid. Sid and Thorny decided to photograph the mermaid!, Peggy woke up at morning, and saw a big mess in her room. It's because Thorny had been doing experiments for all night. Father suggested Thorny to do experiments in a shed to not bother other children., Alien was watching Thorny and his friends. Children and their parents were dressing up different costumes and preparing for celebration. Suddenly Alien saw something tasty on the table, and decided to pretend to be a hedgehog to take it., Hedgehogs went on a picnic. When they were eating cookies, Sid decided to tell a scary story to his friends. And when it was time to sleep, Ben got hungry, went out from his tent to find smth tasty. What's happened next?, Sid's father and children went camping. Children were following father, but Bed always got distracted and lost. When everyone had passed a river, Ben slipped and fell into the water. When everyone was hiking up the mountain, Ben was about to fall down. You should be careful, Ben!, Thorny's mom was making an omelet for children. One of eggs was unusual, and a birdie came out of the egg. But the berdie missed his mom and Thorny decided to find her!, Thorny and Peggy were sleeping, but suddenly heard a weird noise. It was his friend Alien that came to them with presents, and suggested to make a space picnic. The food of Alien was really interesting, and every time children tried it something weird happened.
Subtitles: English
Directed by:Kormchenko Ninna
S01:E06 - Chasing the Baby
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