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S01:E03 - Episode 3

Great Australian Spelling Bee

Season 1 Episode 3 - Episode 3

2014 · 54 min
It is a brand new week on The Great Australian Spelling Bee and our Top 16 spellers eagerly anticipate the two new challenging rounds of spelling in the arena. As the spellers are randomly split into four teams of four - Blue, Green, Red and Yellow - they step onto the stage and are surprised to find a super-sized Spell Gate. The spellers are very keen to play the classic game of Speed Spell, but with a wider Spell Gate, they begin to excitedly speculate that there is an unexpected twist to the challenge. Grant announces that today’s first game is Speed Spell Relay. In this new variation of Speed Spell, the whole team will step into the spell gate and one by one, each speller will have a chance to spell a word. Every team will have 60 seconds to spell as many words correctly as they can. The top three teams to get the most number of correctly spelled words in the shortest time are safe with the bottom ranked team heading into the Spelling Bee, where two of four spellers will be going home. Team Blue is up first and the expectations are high for resident Spelling Speedster Zach - Speed Spelling is his forte, will that advantage give his team a boost? Jess, Zach, Rory and Hanna step into the Spell Gate and give a flawless performance, racing through tricky words and nailing 11 words in 56.32 seconds, setting a very high bar. Team Green also flies through their round with no mistakes, with 11 correct words but taking marginally more time at 56.61 seconds, coming in second after Team Blue. The pressure is now on Team Red to do well. As Team Red’s Alistair, James, Max and Josie step into the Spell Gate, there are plenty of nerves. Within seconds, Max misspells the word PARAKEET and leaves the Spell Gate, an error that shakes the whole team, leaving both Josie and James to stumble over their words - losing valuable time. Team Red end up with only 9 words in 56.15 seconds. It all comes down to Team Yellow - can they best Team Red’s score of 9 words to avoid the Spelling Bee? Luca, Beau, Tristan and Zeke try their best to be calm and measured - but Luca misspells TRAVERSE and it is now touch and go whether or not they will make it. As Grant reveals the final scoreboard, Team Red celebrate that they have just managed to get 10 correct words and safely enter the Top 14. Alistair, James, Max and Josie must now face off in the Spelling Bee, where two of them will go home. James is up first, spelling PARFAIT correctly. Max is next with AUSTERE; Alistair nails ONEROUS despite not having heard of the word and Josie finishes the first round flawlessly with COLLAGE. Round Two begins, and right out of the gate, James stumbles and falls on a word he didn’t know, ARTIFICE, spelling it with a misplaced E. This means that if two more spellers in the round spell correctly, then James will be leaving. Much to Max’s relief, he correctly spells CULPABLE - but this puts James one step closer to the end. Alistair is next to step up, and is given the word QUIXOTIC. He fumbles on his pronunciation as he struggles to spell the word, ultimately spelling it with an CS instead of an X. With both James and Alistair faltering, Max is now safe and through to the Top 14. It all comes down to Josie. If she spells her word correctly, both James and Alistair will leave the competition and she will be safe. With trepidation, Josie methodically spells out the word CLEMENCY and gets it correct, going through to the next stage of the competition. We bid a bittersweet farewell to James and Alistair with plenty of hugs and celebrate the Top 14 who survive to compete another week.
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