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S01:E07 - Episode 7

Great Australian Spelling Bee

Season 1 Episode 7 - Episode 7

2014 · 51 min
Having made it through to the Top 8, our spellers arrive to find the Spelling Arena empty apart from 4 buzzers – so, there is a challenge but what could it be? Suddenly the lights dim, smoke billows and a mysterious figure emerges... HANNA wonders if something is wrong and if “000” should be called but... it’s Laser Man! Laser Man blows the spellers’ minds with a laser and music show, picking up lasers and bending them with his bare hands. The spellers seem a little alarmed by the laser, ducking and dodging when it’s propelled in their direction. At the end of the performance AVA announces that Laser Man would be the new Great Australian Spelling Bee Super Hero. The new game Laser Letters is revealed and explained. The spellers are randomly paired into four teams – Yellow, Green, Red and Blue the aim of the game is to identify the misspelled word out of a group of four words – then spell it correctly to win a point. The first two teams to get to three points are safe; the other two teams will head to the final Spelling Bee... where two spellers will be leaving the competition. Incredibly the Yellow Team of AVA & ZOE are together again– for the 6th time in seven episodes! This prompts AVA to declare ZOE her “substitute twin” (she has a twin brother at home) and they announce that they are going to spell in unison. HANNA & TRISTAN get off to a good start, identifying IRRESISTABLE as misspelt When TRISTAN spells it correctly – IRRESISTIBLE – Team Red are on the leader board. Team Green are next on the board when they identify FLANELETTE as wrong. ZACH spells it – FLANNELETTE – with his trademark speed as his partner ANNIE looks along in amazement. The Pronouncer declares ZACH correct, and Team Green is also on the board. AVA & ZOE then identify AMBIANT should be spelt AMBIENT; ZACH & ANNIE get that SEQUACEOUS should be spelt SEQUACIOUS and HANNA & TRISTAN pick HYPERBOLAR as misspelt and should be HYPERBOLA. Now three teams have two points each – a point away from safety. Team Blue – JESS and ZEKE are still on zero... it’s going to be a battle for them to stay out of the Spelling Bee but they’re up for the challenge... Team Yellow, AVA & ZOE, are the first spellers safe when ZOE slams the buzzer when she sees MALESTROM appear. She’s right, it’s wrong but now she must spell it. AVA has no idea so it’s the end of unison spelling... ZOE is unsure but off she goes... MAELSTROM... AVA is unconvinced – but it’s correct! Team Yellow is the first team safe, and AVA & ZOE are in the Top 6! Only one more team will get through today, so it’s game on. The next words appear and Team Green are first to buzz in thinking that DECATHALON is spelt incorrectly. They’re right, then spell it correctly – DECATHLON - to win a point and become the second team safe. So with ZACH & ANNIE joining AVA & ZOE in the Top 6, JESSICA, ZEKE, HANNA and TRISTAN head to the final Spelling Bee where two spellers will be going home. TRISTAN is the first speller to the microphone and spells CONCENTRIC correctly. ZEKE then gets OMNIVOROUS right. HANNA’s up next and after a chat with GRANT about her next novel spells EMPATHETIC before JESSICA steps up, thinking and spelling her way through SCHEMATIC. Round 2 – and TRISTAN spells BROCCOLINI – something he’d prefer to spell rather than eat he tells GRANT. ZEKE has a mind-blank while spelling BINOCULARS but pulls it together. HANNA then steps up to spell SABBATICAL, which she needs to get right to stay in the competition. It’s not a word she’s familiar with and she starts out C...E... Oh no! That’s wrong! HANNA’s Great Australian Spelling Bee adventure is over but has inspired her to write a novel about her journey. Jessica completes the round by spelling CANDELABRA, a word she recognized from her “4 billion” trips to church, and then it’s onto Round 3. TRISTAN spells TRATTORIA then ZEKE confidently spells OSTEOPATH. JESSICA then spells SOLITAIRE, which she remembers as a game from her old computer and we’re through another round. TRISTAN’s up next – he spells INGENUOUS correctly. ZEKE gets the word ALLUVIUM. He doesn’t know it! The definition doesn’t help. He spells deliberately and hesitantly then waits nervously for The PRONOUNCER to say... “That’s correct!” ZEKE survives! JESSICA then must spell correctly to stay in the competition. The word is GUARANTOR and from the definition JESSICA works out that it is derived from guarantee and that gives her a clue. G...U...A...N – oh no! She’s forgotten the R and A... a simple mistake but it means it’s JESSICA’S time to leave the competition. She walks out proud of her efforts and declares that her Great Australian Spelling Bee medal will hang with her speed-walking ones, but just a little higher. TRISTAN and ZEKE survive another final Spelling Bee, joining AVA, ZOE, ANNIE and ZACH in the Top 6...
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