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S01:E04 - Episode 4

Great Australian Spelling Bee

Season 1 Episode 4 - Episode 4

2014 · 53 min
Our Top 14 spellers start the week with a lot of speculation about what the first challenge will be. After the random team pick, they are surprised to be paired in seven duos - with best friends Zoe and Ava facing the challenge together again - will their winning streak continue? As the spellers walk out onto the stage, they meander through giant white letters which reveal the name of the brand new challenge - Superword. In this challenge, a 9-letter grid is revealed and the spellers must find as many words as possible from the letters in the grid For every word found, the duos will win a point. If any team finds the Superword - a word containing all 9 letters - they are immediately safe. The first five teams to win 3 points are safe with the bottom two teams heading into the Spelling Bee, where two of the four spellers will leave the competition. The grid is revealed and the teams are studiously looking for viable answers. Zach and Luca are on team yellow, and buzz in first scoring one point on the leaderboard. Team Orange best friends Zoe and Ava buzz in next, spelling PRICES in unison and getting their first point. Team Green’s Hanna and Annie then get a point, followed by the rest of the teams all scoring a point. With all the teams even on the leaderboard with 1 point each, the pressure is on once again in the bid for safety. Team Pink gains ground with PIERCE, followed closely by Team Green’s SPREE and Team Orange’s POPES. When Annie buzzes in first again, Team Green gets their third point on the word SPIRE, sending Hanna and Annie straight into the Top 12. With just four more team safe spots up for grabs Team Orange team buzzes in with CREEP, sending besties Ava and Zoe into safety. Team Red gets their second point with POSER. Team Purple joins them with CREPES and as Josie buzzes in immediately again, she and Tristan win the third safe slot with the word COPES. With only 2 more team slots for safety up for grabs, tensions are running high. Team Yellow buzzes in, getting their second point with COPIER. Team Blue - follow closely behind and win their second point with POISE. The remaining four teams are now neck and neck, all on two points. Dynamic Duo Max and Rory on Team Pink are first to buzz in and win the penultimate slot with the word CREEPS. With only one place left, Zach and Luca on Team Yellow manage to buzz in and win the final safe spot with COPIES. Jessica, Beau, Will and Zeke must now go into the Spelling Bee, where two of them will leave the competition. Beau is up first, his word is ATTENDANT. Beau’s easy sense of confidence prompts him to rush through the spelling of the word, shocking everyone when he ends the spelling with a D instead of a T. In a split second, it is over, Beau has gotten his word incorrect and is now in jeopardy of leaving the competition. Jessica steps up next, a little shaken, she proceeds slowly and carefully, asking for the definition and taking her word one letter at a time, ultimately getting her word CAVERNOUS correct. It is now Zeke’s turn, if he gets his word correct, Beau is out of the competition. Zeke is given the word DEXTERITY, working through it methodically and nailing the spelling. We bid farewell to Beau as he says goodbye to the Great Australian Spelling Bee. The pressure is now on Will - as the last speller in the round, he must get his word correct to stay in the competition. The Pronouncer gives him the word CASSEROLE. The room is silent as Will works through the word, taking in a collective breath when he follows the double S with an A instead of an E. It is all over now for Will, but in his ironic way says he’ll still eat casserole, he just won’t spell it again! In just one round, the Spelling Bee has proven to be too much pressure for our young spellers. Beau has left the competition and now we say a sad goodbye to Will, but we also celebrate with Jessica and Zeke who are now officially in the Top 12.
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