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S01:E13 - 113: God's Voice; McKay's Pennies; Doctor Rises From Ghetto; Ryan's Angels

It's A Miracle

Season 1 Episode 13 - 113: God's Voice; McKay's Pennies; Doctor Rises From Ghetto; Ryan's Angels

44 minSubtitles Icon
GodÍs Voice The day before Christmas, Trisha Zemba decides to take her horse out for a ride. Suddenly, the horse takes off running and Trisha loses control. The horse falls over, landing on top of Trisha leaving her pinned to the ground. Trisha is luckily able to roll up from underneath to free herself. Ten day later, however, Trisha is climbing out of the bath tub when she begins to feel faint and blacks out. Over the next several days, Trisha begins to experience pain throughout her body and her condition worsens. Doctors finally diagnose Trisha with Reflect Sympathetic Dystrophyƒa nerve disorder stemming from the spinal cord, an injury sustained from falling off her horse. She is hospitalized and bedridden. Trisha and her parents turn to prayer. Months later, Trisha is awakened in the night by a voice encouraging her to get up. The next thing she knows her pain has miraculously disappeared. McKayÍs Pennies McKay Everett was 12 when he was kidnapped and killed. His mother, Paulette, begged God for solace. In his life, McKay had always collected pennies. After his murder, Paulette began finding pennies in places they had not been moments before. A year after his murder, his favorite is in a terrible car accident which she miraculously survives. At the hospital doctors find pennies in her shoes. Doctor Rises from the Ghetto Ben Carson grew up in a poor inner-city neighborhood of Detroit. His father abandoned the family and his mother, Sonya, was left to raise two boys on her own. Looking at BenÍs background, one would think he had no future - he liked throwing rocks at cars and running from the police and his pathological temper was so bad that it almost drove him to murder a friend. But Ben defied the odds and with the love and support of his mother, turned his life around. He would become a straight-A student, receive a full scholarship to medical school at the University of Michigan and go on to become a medical legend. At the age of 33, Dr. Ben Carson became the youngest Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery in the United States at one of the worldÍs most prestigious hospitals, John Hopkins. Today, Ben continues to make history and dedicates his life to motivating young people to believe in themselves and strive for their dreams. RyanÍs Angels Ryan Heer came down with chicken pox, what is usually a common childhood illness. That is until a red spot behind RyanÍs ear began to swell. DoctorÍs immediately had Ryan admitted to the hospital where it was determined that a deadly Streptococcus-A infection was threatening his life. His mother prayed for angels to protect him. Miraculously, Ryan would go on to recover and would later describe have being visited by angels during his time of grave sickness.
Subtitles: English
S01:E13 - 113: God's Voice; McKay's Pennies; Doctor Rises From Ghetto; Ryan's Angels
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