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S01:E09 - 109: Miracle on Parkway; Woman in White; Heavenly Message; Doctor Brazil; Deserted Baby

It's A Miracle

Season 1 Episode 9 - 109: Miracle on Parkway; Woman in White; Heavenly Message; Doctor Brazil; Deserted Baby

44 minSubtitles Icon
Miracle on Parkway A Kentucky woman out for some last minute Thanksgiving grocery shopping falls asleep at the wheel of her car and careens down an embankment off the Bluegrass Parkway. Thrown out of the driverÍs side window, Pam Carter is pinned beneath her car for eight hours as temperatures dip into the 20Ís. She may have died there expect for a miraculous coincidence; A solider from Fort Bragg, N.C heading home for the holidays, who runs out of gas in the wee hours of the morning in virtually the same spot, and hears the womanÍs cries for help. Flagging down another motorist for assistance, the solider is able to summon rescue personnel. It is to this bit of fortune to white Pam Carter owes her life. Woman in White Veteran Hialeah, Florida firefighter, Kenneth Carter, thinks he has met his match when he becomes trapped inside a burning building. While battling a nightclub blaze, his air tank runs out. Disoriented and fighting for oxygen, Carter rips off his mask and drops to his knees in prayer. He asks for a way out or for it to end quickly. Then, as if in answer to his prayers, a woman in a flowing dress appears to him and points. Carter goes in that direction but hits a wall. When he shoves against the wall, it gives way and he stumbles out into the parking lot and into fresh air. His exit was a long-forgotten doorway that had been boarded up! Kenneth Carter feels certain an angel showed him the way and saved his life. Heavenly Message Two doctors tell Kim Fuller that the lump in her breast is nothing to worry about, it is only a cyst. Then one night she is visited in a dream by her deceased best friend, Carrie. Carrie and Kim had shared everything until Carrie died from a rare combination of pancreatic and liver cancer. She left behind a devastated husband and two young children. CarrieÍs presence in KimÍs dream is so real and her warning so serious that it wakes Kim up. The message is clear, ñStop messing around with that lumpƒGet yourself to another doctor or your kids will end up like me.î KimÍs husband encourages her to see a third doctor. Cancer is found and removed before it has a chance to spread. CarrieÍs promise to ñalways be thereî for Kim has proved true, even from Heaven. Doctor Brazil Dr. Fritz was a German Physician in World War I who died in 1916. Today, his soul possesses the body of a man who has never had any medical training and doesnÍt work in a hospital. When possessed by Dr. Fritz, this man has the ability to cure diseases and perform painless surgeries. He has cured and performed surgery on thousands of people using no anesthesia. The techniques used are the same as Dr. Fritz himself would have used in World War I. Deserted Baby In 1982, a drug-addicted baby of African-American heritage was found abandoned outside a Los Angeles hospital. The baby is adopted by a couple who had already adopted and raised three children of mixed race as well as three of their own. Doctors warned the couple that the child would be a slow learner. Proving them all wrong, the boy finished high school with a 3.97 grade point average and is named his classÍ valedictorian.
Subtitles: English
S01:E09 - 109: Miracle on Parkway; Woman in White; Heavenly Message; Doctor Brazil; Deserted Baby
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