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S01:E08 - 108: Body Surfer; the Rosenblatt Love Story; Dream Child; Soul Sister; Dog Rescues Cat

It's A Miracle

Season 1 Episode 8 - 108: Body Surfer; the Rosenblatt Love Story; Dream Child; Soul Sister; Dog Rescues Cat

44 minSubtitles Icon
Body Surfer Eddie Tuduri was body surfing in Carpentaria, California on September 5, 1997. The veteran rock and roll drummer was alone when a wave he was riding crashed violently, drilling him into the sea bottom. Eddie heard his neck snap and he could no longer move his limbs. Knowing that he could not survive in the ocean paralyzed, Eddie gave up. He opened his mouth and took in water, hoping that it would all be over quickly. Instead, Eddie felt himself being lifted straight up, out of the water and glided to shore on his back where people found him. Today, after a year of extensive rehab, Eddie considers himself blessed. Though all the motor skills required to be a professional drummer have not returned, Eddie has made incredible strides and anticipates returning to the stage soon. The Rosenblatt Love Story During World War II, Herman Rosenblatt spent much of his youth confined in Polish ghettos and concentration camps. When he was 14, he noticed a little girl outside the barbed wire fence observing what was going on in the camp. He approached the fence and asked her for something to eat. She threw an apple over the double barbed wire fence that separated them. For the next seven months the little girl sustained him with bread and apples until one day he told her not to come anymore because he was being sent to another camp. In New York City, fourteen years later, in 1957, Herman (who had survived the camps) was fixed up on a blind date. The woman told him she was Polish and during the war had thrown bread to a boy in a concentration camp. After confirming dates and locations, Herman knew that ñboyî was him. They fell in love and were married within the year. They have remained married for 40 years and have two children and two grandchildren. Dream Child Elizabeth Kingsbury-Puscas was close to her father-in-law, Victor, and took his 1994 death hard. Not long after Victor lost his battle to cancer, Elizabeth began experiencing a series of prophetic dreams in which he would appear. In one, Victor was accompanied by a beautiful young girl with long dark hair whom Elizabeth had never seen before. A few months later, Elizabeth learned she was pregnant. After the baby was born and began to grow, she realized her daughter was the little girl from her dream and Victor had ñforetoldî the birth. Even in death, Victor could never keep a secret. Soul Sister Two girls, Carrie and Tracy, met when they were eleven, and from the beginning they knew they had some kind of psychic connection. One day Carrie was suddenly rushed to the hospital with severe chest pains. At that same exact moment, Tracy, who was miles away, began feeling very sick and started gasping for air. As soon as she arrived at the hospital, Carrie flat lined, and Tracy passed out. Doctors were able to revive Carrie, but she was given only a five percent chance of living. As she remained in a coma, Tracy would come to visit her. One day, while Tracy was at home sleeping, Carrie flat lined again. As she was flat lining, Carrie began to have a vision of being with Tracy _ they were sitting the end of her bed. As she slept at home, Tracy found herself dreaming during this time. In this dream, Tracy said to Carrie, ñDonÍt go!î At that instant, Carrie woke up in the hospital room, surrounded by all of the people that had been working to save her life. Dog Rescues Cat A former New York construction worker had lost interest in life after an industrial accident cost him the use of his arm. He now has a new lease on life and owes that all to a pet that adopted him. One day, a reluctant Philip Gonzalez was dragged to the dog pound by a friend. It was here that he fell for an odd-looking schnauzer/Siberian husky mix he named ñGinnyî. Today, Gonzalez thinks that Ginny may be part angel too. Ginny has an uncanny knack for a canine _ she seeks out injured and handicapped cats, and with PhilÍs help, nurses them back to health.
Subtitles: English
S01:E08 - 108: Body Surfer; the Rosenblatt Love Story; Dream Child; Soul Sister; Dog Rescues Cat
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